Noctis Species in The Anima Universe | World Anvil


The Homo Demona Noctis, colloquially known as The Noctis, were created in the spring of 2035 by Dr. Alexander Noctis and Dr. Kira Grace. As half demon half human hybrids they were designed to combat Lucifer’s army of demons during the War of Revelation. Now they stand as protectors of humanity and employees of The Black Roses, the only place that’ll hire a Noctis these days.

Noctis Types

As time has gone on five distinct types of Noctis have been discovered by scientists with each type corresponding to the animal characteristics they exhibit. These traits encompass both physical attributes and behavioral tendencies. For instance, cat Noctis not only possesses the ability to purr and sport cat-like ears and tails, but also demonstrates an inclination to chase after a laser pointer or play with a piece of string.   Similarly, Dog/Wolf Noctis occasionally feel compelled to howl, while vampire bat Noctis and mosquito Noctis, particularly the female counterparts, exhibit a profound fascination with blood, even being able to ingest it without any ill effects.


Mammalian Noctis encompass those whose animal traits are linked to terrestrial mammals. These traits can vary widely, ranging from characteristics of domesticated animals like cats and dogs to those of more untamed creatures such as bears and foxes. The vast majority of Noctis fall into this category, making mammalian Noctis the most prevalent type. In fact, over half of the Noctis population exhibits mammalian traits.


Avian-type Noctis, naturally, possess traits associated with birds. They rank as the second most common type of Noctis and can be both easily identifiable and somewhat inconspicuous. While many Avian Noctis feature wings, not all do. Their traits can stem from a variety of avian species.


Ocean-type Noctis embody traits reminiscent of marine animals such as crabs, jellyfish, dolphins, and others. They rank as the third most common type of Noctis and are frequently found dwelling near beaches or underwater habitats. Ocean Noctis exhibit the greatest diversity in terms of species representation among all Noctis types. Additionally, they are known for living the longest out of any other type of Noctis.


Reptile-type Noctis are those whose characteristics are associated with reptiles. Typically cold-blooded, they often possess slit pupils and forked tongues. Their traits can be drawn from various reptilian species, ranging from snakes to crocodiles. Among Noctis types, Reptile Noctis ranks as the second least common.


Insects/Arachnids-type Noctis are those who exhibit traits akin to insects or arachnids. They represent the least common category of Noctis, comprising only 5% of the population. These Noctis can manifest characteristics of various insect and arachnid species, ranging from mosquitoes to wasps and honeybees. They often have smaller, rounder forms and tend to display less hostility compared to other Noctis. However, wasp Noctis stands out as a notable exception, featuring sharper facial features and exhibiting higher levels of aggression compared to most other Noctis.

Basic Information


Noctis typically share the same anatomical structure as humans, but their differences are determined by their typing and species. For instance, a Noctis classified as mammal type with cat features would possess an additional pair of ears resembling cat ears and a cat's tail. Conversely, a Reptile type Noctis might exhibit a notably elongated tongue, while an Insects/Arachnids type Noctis could have an extra pair of eyes or limbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Noctis reproduce sexually in the same way humans do, although Noctis pregnancies don't last as long. Most Noctis pregnancies last for around 7 months or 33 weeks. Any baby born before the 30 week of pregnancy is considered premature.   Noctis DNA is extremely dominant; a person can be four generations removed from a full Noctis and still express primarily Noctis traits. If a cat Noctis aka a mammal type Noctis reproduces with another cat Noctis then their child will also be a cat Noctis, but the species of cat will be different. If a cat Noctis reproduces with a human, then their child has a 50% chance of either being a cat Noctis like their Noctis parent or something completely random. This works the same way for all Mammal-type Noctis.   Reptile Noctis are a bit different and if they reproduce with another type of Noctis then their child will always gain the other traits as Reptile Noctis DNA is a recessive trait. The same thing applies to Ocean types. Insects/Arachnid types are also recessive, so it's a bit of a toss then.   Because of a combined factor of their genetics and environment, Noctis are far more susceptible to mental disorders and illnesses. While every 1 in 8 humans have a mental disorder or illness of some kind, every 1 in 5 Noctis will have a mental disorder or illness of some kind. Noctis are especially susceptible to anxiety disorders, psychosis like Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Neurodevelopmental disorders, Depression, and BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). Due to this the Academies have monthly check-ins with one of the school’s many psychologists for each and every single one of their students.

Growth Rate & Stages

Noctis exhibits a growth rate comparable to that of humans, progressing through various developmental stages over time. However, the timing and manifestation of these stages differ based on their typing.  
  • Early Development: During infancy and early childhood, Noctis undergo physical and cognitive development akin to human children. They reach milestones such as crawling, walking, and speaking at a pace similar to human counterparts.
  • Typing Manifestation: For most Noctis, their animal traits are present from birth. However, certain Noctis, such as deer Noctis, may develop these traits during puberty and adolescence. This period of development marks the onset of their unique animal characteristics, which gradually become more pronounced as they mature.
  • Puberty and Adolescence: As Noctis enter puberty and adolescence, they experience physical and hormonal changes typical of human adolescents. For those whose animal traits emerge during this stage, the transition may be accompanied by additional physical transformations and adjustments to their sensory abilities.
  • Adulthood: Upon reaching adulthood, Noctis have fully developed their animal traits and abilities, integrating them into their daily lives and identities. They continue to grow and mature, both physically and emotionally, throughout their adult years, experiencing life's challenges and triumphs alongside their human counterparts.

Ecology and Habitats

Noctis possess remarkable adaptability, allowing them to thrive in diverse environments across the globe. Unlike many other species, Noctis are not confined by their habitats, granting them the ability to inhabit a wide range of locations.  
  • Terrestrial Habitats: Noctis can be found in various terrestrial environments, including forests, grasslands, mountains, and urban areas. They have adapted to survive in both rural and urban landscapes, making them versatile inhabitants of human settlements as well as natural habitats.
  • Aquatic Habitats: Even Ocean Noctis are not limited by their environment. They possess the ability to breathe both on land and underwater, allowing them to thrive in aquatic habitats such as oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. Their amphibious nature enables them to navigate underwater environments with ease while also being able to traverse land habitats as needed.
  • Extreme Environments: Noctis are known to inhabit extreme environments such as deserts, polar regions, and high-altitude areas. Their resilience and adaptability allow them to withstand harsh conditions and thrive in environments where other species may struggle to survive.
  • Human Settlements: Noctis have integrated themselves into human societies, often living alongside humans in cities, towns, and villages.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mammal Noctis

Mammal Noctis exhibit a wide range of dietary habits depending on their specific animal traits. For instance:
  • Carnivores: Noctis with traits of carnivorous mammals may prefer a diet rich in meats and proteins. They might enjoy hunting or sourcing their food from various animal sources.
  • Herbivores: Those with herbivorous traits might have a preference for plant-based diets, consuming fruits, vegetables, and grains. They may possess heightened senses for detecting ripe or fresh vegetation.
Mammal Noctis typically require a balanced diet that caters to their animal traits. They may need specific nutrients found in their animal counterparts' diets, such as taurine for cat-like Noctis or a variety of leafy greens for herbivorous traits.

Avian Noctis

Avian Noctis exhibit dietary habits influenced by their avian traits. They are more likely to consume foods reminiscent of birds, such as seeds, nuts, fruits, and insects. Due to their ability to fly or glide short distances, Avian Noctis often require diets rich in carbohydrates and fats to provide the necessary energy for aerial mobility.

Ocean Noctis

Ocean Noctis have dietary habits closely aligned with their oceanic animal counterparts. Their diets often consist of seafood, including fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. Given their affinity for oceanic diets, they naturally obtain essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain and heart health.

Reptile Noctis

Reptile Noctis tend to have carnivorous or insectivorous dietary preferences. They often consume small animals, insects, or even specific reptilian prey. Due to their reptilian traits, they have a higher calcium requirements to maintain strong bones and scales.

Insects/Arachnids Noctis

Insects/Arachnids Noctis primarily consume insects, arachnids, or related creatures, reflecting their traits. Some may have a taste for nectar or pollen, depending on their specific animal influence. Their diets tend to be rich in protein, making them more suited to high-protein foods like insects, spiders, and other arthropods.


Noctis are also half human so while all of the above does still apply to that particular typing it is important to note that they can eat most foods that humans can eat and often do if they need to.

Biological Cycle

  • Hibernation: Certain Noctis, particularly those with traits reminiscent of hibernating animals such as bears or hedgehogs, may enter a state of dormancy during winter months or periods of food scarcity. They conserve energy by lowering their metabolic rate and reducing activity levels until conditions become more favorable.
  • Shedding: Noctis with reptilian traits, such as snakes or lizards, may undergo periodic shedding of their skin. This process allows them to grow and remove old, worn-out skin layers, revealing fresh skin underneath. Shedding frequency may vary depending on factors such as age, diet, and environmental conditions.
  • Seasonal Adaptations: Noctis adapt to seasonal changes in various ways, depending on their typing. For example, mammal-type Noctis with fur may grow thicker coats in winter to provide insulation against the cold, while shedding excess fur in warmer months to prevent overheating. Similarly, avian-type Noctis may migrate to warmer climates during colder seasons, while ocean-type Noctis may adjust their behaviors in response to changes in ocean currents or temperatures.


As Noctis are technically half demon hybrids they have a very gray sense of morality. Concepts such as murder may be deemed justifiable by many Noctis, particularly in certain circumstances or for perceived grievances. Possessiveness is a prominent trait among Noctis, stemming from their inherent territorial instincts and deep emotional attachments. Individuals who encroach upon what a Noctis considers their own, whether it be possessions, territory, or loved ones, may face severe consequences.   Moreover, Noctis harbor an innate thirst for adventure and excitement, often coupled with a primal urge for violence. This drive compels them to seek out challenges, engage in risky endeavors, and occasionally resort to aggression to satisfy their primal instincts. These tendencies can manifest in various forms, from thrill-seeking behavior to a penchant for conflict and confrontation.   Attempting to confine or restrain a Noctis is ill-advised, as it may trigger a violent response. Noctis fiercely resist being caged or restricted in any way, viewing such actions as an affront to their freedom and autonomy. Individuals who attempt to restrain a Noctis may find themselves facing dire consequences, as the Noctis may resort to extreme measures to assert their independence and escape captivity.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In contemporary times, Noctis serves as the primary force in the world's demon hunting efforts. Their unique abilities, including their hybrid nature and Demonic Spiritual Abilities, make them invaluable assets in combating demonic threats and maintaining peace and order in society.

Facial characteristics

Most Noctus have sharp, angular faces although this is not a hard and fast rule for example most Insect/Arachnids type Noctis have rounder, softer face shape. Noctis eyes vary more in size and shape but the most common eye shapes are Deep Set, Protruding, Hooded, and Down turned. Noctis' eyes can be any color in the spectrum; there is no limit, although some are more common than others.

Average Intelligence

The Noctis are extremely intelligent and even the most average Noctis is considered a genius by human standards. They are able to solve complex problems and have a deep understanding of the world around them. Noctis has also been shown to be fully capable of learning multiple languages with near fluency within only a few years. Most Noctis also have a near photographic memory making memorization an easy task.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Noctis possess exceptional visual acuity, enabling them to see clearly in low-light conditions and perceive distant objects with remarkable clarity. Their auditory and olfactory senses rival, if not surpass, those of dogs or wolves, granting them heightened abilities to detect sounds and scents from considerable distances. Moreover, their sense of taste is notably more nuanced and profound compared to that of humans.   Beyond these sensory enhancements, all Noctis possess an innate ability to detect when they are being observed and maintain hyper-awareness of their surroundings at all times. This heightened vigilance renders them challenging to approach surreptitiously, though not entirely impervious to stealthy maneuvers.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Noctis, like their parent species demons, don’t have parasitic relationships with other species. Instead, they exist at the top of the food chain and interact with other creatures primarily as predators or, in some very rare cases, as potential sources of sustenance. They also don’t form symbiotic relationships for this very reason.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Noctis do not possess any inherent naming traditions of their own; instead, they typically adopt the naming customs of the human culture in which they were born or raised. This results in a diverse array of names reflecting the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of individual Noctis.   For example, a Noctis born into a Western culture may have a given name and surname following conventional Western naming conventions. Similarly, a Noctis raised in an Eastern culture may have a name composed of characters from the language of their upbringing.

Beauty Ideals

Like their demon ancestors Noctis have a deep love of imperfections and asymmetry. They prefer old, worn or torn things and like when people have scars, or gapped teeth or a crooked nose from fighting too much. These are all signs that a person is alive, not a statue or something equally unattainable that you can’t reach out and touch for fear of damaging it. Noctis are captivated by individuals who possess a wealth of experiences and stories to share. They value depth and complexity in people, finding beauty in the narratives that shape their lives. A person's physical appearance is seen as a reflection of their unique journey, making imperfections and asymmetry all the more desirable.

Gender Ideals

Similar to their demon ancestors, Noctis do not attach significant importance to gender as defined by binary notions of identity. While they may have personal preferences or inclinations toward certain gender expressions, Noctis do not rigidly adhere to traditional gender roles or expectations. Noctis embraces fluidity in gender identity and expression, recognizing the diversity and complexity of human experiences. They do not stress over gender labels and are generally accepting of all expressions of gender identity. Individuals within the Noctis community are encouraged to explore and embrace their authentic selves without fear of judgment or discrimination.

Courtship Ideals

Noctis courtship ideals can be a bit unconventional but for the most part they follow many standard practices established by humans. However most Noctis aren’t monogamous and will have more than one romantic partner.

Relationship Ideals

Loyalty stands as the cornerstone of relationships within the Noctis community, encompassing friendships, partnerships, and alliances alike. Noctis place utmost importance on unwavering commitment and fidelity to their chosen companions, fostering bonds built on trust, respect, and mutual support.

Average Technological Level

While the technological level within the Noctis community varies depending on factors such as cultural background, access to resources, and individual interests. Overall, Noctis has achieved a level of technological advancement comparable to that of contemporary human society, with some notable areas of specialization and innovation.

Common Etiquette Rules

In Noctis culture, there is a prevailing emphasis on kindness over mere politeness. Noctis recognizes that politeness does not always equate to genuine kindness. Instead, they prioritize acts of compassion, empathy, and generosity towards others, regardless of social niceties.

Common Dress Code

Noctis fashion often features a predominantly dark color palette, including shades of black, charcoal, deep navy, and rich burgundy. In addition to dark colors, Noctis fashion incorporates bold patterns and designs that make a statement. This may include geometric prints, intricate symbols, occult imagery, or abstract motifs, adding depth and visual interest to clothing ensembles. Noctis fashion leans towards alternative styles that defy conventional norms and embrace individuality. This may include elements of gothic, punk, steampunk, cyberpunk, or avant-garde fashion. Noctis outfits often incorporate layering and texture to create depth and dimension. This may involve combining different fabrics, such as leather, velvet, lace, or distressed denim, to add visual interest and tactile appeal to clothing ensembles. Accessories play a significant role in Noctis fashion, serving as statement pieces that complement and enhance clothing ensembles. This may include bold jewelry, statement belts, edgy footwear, and unique headwear, adding a finishing touch to the overall look.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

  • Nightly Gatherings: Noctis often gather nightly, either informally or in organized settings, to socialize, share stories, and bond with one another. These gatherings serve as opportunities for community members to connect, exchange knowledge, and strengthen relationships under the cover of darkness.
  • Solstice Celebrations: Noctis may commemorate solstices and other celestial events with festive celebrations, rituals, and gatherings. These observances honor the natural rhythms of the earth and cosmos, fostering a deep connection to the cycles of nature and the mysteries of the universe.
  • Ancestral Remembrance: Noctis honor their ancestors and fallen comrades through rituals of remembrance, such as candlelit vigils, memorial services, or offerings made at ancestral shrines. These ceremonies pay tribute to the sacrifices and legacies of those who came before, ensuring their memories endure through generations.
  • Initiation Rites: As individuals transition into adulthood or assume greater responsibilities within the community, they may undergo initiation rites or ceremonies to mark their passage. These rituals symbolize growth, maturity, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for active participation in Noctis society.
  • Community Service: Noctis prioritizes community service and mutual aid, actively supporting one another in times of need and contributing to the well-being of the broader community. This ethos of solidarity fosters a sense of collective responsibility and strengthens social bonds among community members.
  • Artistic Expression: Noctis value artistic expression as a means of storytelling, self-discovery, and cultural preservation. They may engage in various forms of creative expression, including music, visual arts, literature, and performance, to convey their experiences, emotions, and aspirations.

Common Taboos

  • Betrayal and Disloyalty: Betraying the trust of fellow Noctis or acting disloyally towards one's community is considered a grave taboo. Actions such as betrayal, treachery, or deceit that undermine the bonds of trust and solidarity are met with severe social ostracism and condemnation.
  • Harm to Innocents: Deliberately causing harm to innocent beings, whether human or supernatural, is universally condemned among the Noctis. This includes acts of violence, exploitation, or cruelty directed towards vulnerable individuals or non-combatants, such as children, elders, or animals.
  • Violation of Sacred Spaces: Desecrating sacred sites, ancestral shrines, or spiritual artifacts is considered taboo within the Noctis community. These spaces hold deep cultural and spiritual significance and are to be respected and protected from harm or desecration.
  • Abuse of Power: Noctis who abuse their authority, influence, or supernatural abilities for personal gain or malicious purposes face strong societal condemnation. Exploiting others, manipulating circumstances, or using power to oppress or control others is considered unethical and taboo.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions


Noctis and vampires share a surprisingly positive relationship, characterized by mutual respect, cooperation, and occasional collaboration. Despite their inherent differences and occasional tensions, the two sister species have found common ground and forged bonds of camaraderie over time.


The relationship between Noctis and demons is characterized by animosity, conflict, and a deep-seated enmity stemming from their roles as demon hunters and adversaries in the supernatural realm. Despite occasional exceptions, such as rare instances of interspecies offspring, the overall dynamic between Noctis and demons is marked by hostility and mistrust.


In contrast to their adversarial relationship with many demon sub-species, Noctis enjoy a surprisingly positive and harmonious relationship with unicorns. This is believed to be because of the shared healing capabilities of their blood and the mutual understanding of being protectors of their respective domains, Noctis of humanity and Unicorns of the Garden of Youth Nave. Noctis and unicorns often cooperate and collaborate in their shared mission to safeguard their respective domains. They exchange knowledge, resources, and support to address common challenges or threats, pooling their strengths and abilities for the greater good. Noctis and unicorns engage in cultural exchange, sharing stories, traditions, and rituals that deepen their understanding of each other's cultures and foster mutual appreciation. This exchange strengthens their bond and promotes cross-species understanding and harmony.


The relationship between Noctis and dragons can be characterized as cordial and generally peaceful, though it may vary depending on individual circumstances and interactions. While not as harmonious as their relationship with unicorns, Noctis and dragons maintain a mutual respect and understanding, often coexisting without significant conflict.


The relationship between humans and Noctis is characterized by deep-seated prejudice, fear, and oppression, stemming from years of misunderstanding and mistrust. Despite occasional exceptions, such as interspecies relationships resulting in offspring known as Sub-Humans, the overall dynamic between humans and Noctis is marked by discrimination and systemic oppression.


The soul of a noctis is unlike any other living creature known to civilization and this is mainly due to the construction of their souls. It is made of two parts: an inner core made up of perfectly balanced negative and positive energy, another thing that sets their souls apart from others as most species don’t have true neutral souls, and an outer layer made of negative energy similar to a demon’s demonic essence. This outer layer known as Nocturnal Essence acts as an impenetrable barrier of sorts protecting their inner core from external forces making it virtually impossible to damage or manipulate their soul. This innate defense mechanism is one of the defining characteristics that set Noctis apart from full demons or vampires.   Their Nocturnal Essence also possesses the remarkable ability to manifest in a semi-physical form when necessary. This manifestation can take on various appearances, often reflecting the Noctis's personality or emotional state. For instance, it might appear as a smokey cat, a spectral guardian, or any other form that provides comfort or protection to the Noctis. Nocturnal Essence is not merely a passive shield; it possesses a degree of sentience and protective instincts. It can act independently of the Noctis's conscious will when it perceives a threat. This might involve lashing out at aggressors or intervening to shield the Noctis from harm, both physically and emotionally.   The Nocturnal Essence also forms a deep connection with individuals or objects that the Noctis considers "theirs." It exhibits a heightened sense of protectiveness and attachment to these chosen entities. In such cases, the Nocturnal Essence may even curl around them, providing an extra layer of defense and emotional support. The Nocturnal Essence is intricately linked to the Noctis's emotions. It can respond to their feelings, intensifying in moments of distress, anger, or determination. This emotional connection further strengthens the bond between the Noctis and their Nocturnal Essence.   While the Nocturnal Essence is a powerful protective force, it comes with its own set of limitations. For example, if the Noctis were to lose control of their emotions or succumb to darkness, their Nocturnal Essence might become more volatile or uncontrollable, potentially posing risks to those around them.   Due to the idiosyncrasies of their souls Noctis lacks the ability to wield conventional magic. Instead, they possess Demonic Spiritual Abilities, an ability that is completely unique to each noctis and usually falls into one of these four basic types Offensive, Defensive, Passive, and Transformation.


Noctis blood is also quite unique as it has some healing properties, something that doesn’t happen with other sub-species of demons and is a quality that has baffled scientists for years. It appears as a dark, almost black, red liquid that’s lighter in consistency than human blood. Noctis blood has been used in healing potions and rituals for years now and can even be consumed in its natural form without any ill effects.

Noctis Durability

Noctis are known to be remarkably durable, capable of surviving incidents that would be fatal to humans. They can withstand the impact of a high-speed train and emerge with only minor injuries and this resilience grants them a significant advantage in combat or dangerous situations. They are incredibly strong, capable of lifting up to ten tons if needed.   Noctis have a remarkable ability to endure extended periods without sustenance. When there's a lack of water, they can survive for up to three months, and with water, they can extend this period to four months. This adaptability to scarcity gives them an edge in challenging environments. Noctis can function without sleep for up to a week without experiencing any noticeable sleep deprivation symptoms. This allows them to remain vigilant and alert during extended missions or emergencies. However, it's important to note that after this period, they become susceptible to the effects of sleep deprivation.   Noctis exhibit an increased resistance to the effects of drugs and alcohol compared to humans. They require double the usual dosage to feel the effects of these substances. As a result, specialized "Noctis-grade" medicines and treatments are commonly available to cater to their unique physiology.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Demona Noctis
Average Height
Male: 5”9’ Female 5”4’
Average Weight
Male 197.9 lbs Female 170.6 lbs
Average Physique
The average physique depends on typing and species that exist within that typing. For example Ocean Whale Noctis have a much larger, stronger, and solid build than other types of Noctis. Mammal Cat Noctis have a more flexible, graceful and elegant build with a focus on evasion, not brute strength. While most Insect/Arachnids types often have a rounder, smaller build than other Noctis types.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Noctis come in a wide variety of skin tone and color with some even have patches of skin that is a different shade and color than the rest of their bodies. They can also have moles and freckles across their bodies. Their hair can be any color in the spectrum; there is no limit, although some are more common than others.
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Demonic Spiritual Abilities

Demonic Spiritual Abilities or DSAs for short, are unique abilities that each Noctis has and each one works in a completely different way though there are four basic types of DSA: Offensive, Defensive, Passive, and Transformation. Every single DSA will fall under one or more of these categories.   DSA can be seen as something like a spiritual muscle; the more a person uses them the more powerful it becomes and can even evolve to include new but associated powers. If a Noctis mental state is bad enough then their DSA will warp into something else that is close to their original DSA but is more dangerous and/or unpredictable.


Offensive Type Demonic Spiritual Abilities are DSAs that are good for attacks in combat and are mostly used to cause harm to others, whether that is in defense of oneself or of another or just to cause harm although there are some DSAs that are labeled as offensive because of how aggressive they are. An example of an offensive DSA is Catherine Noir’s DSA which is a sonic scream she calls Echolocation. A DSA that is only used to cause harm to others and the surrounding area.


Defensive type Demonic Spiritual Abilities are DSAs that are good for protection or simply ones that just don't cause any physical or mental damage. Two examples of a defensive DSA are Romona Tyler’s DSA and Allison Hatterson’s DSA. Romana’s DSA is called Shields. Which means that she can create physical barriers using her DSA that she can use to protect herself and others. Allison’s DSA on the other hand can slow down time for up to two minutes and can even stop it for a full minute


Passive type Demonic Spiritual Abilities are DSAs that are always on and work silently in the background without much input from the user. A good example of a passive DSA is Naja Lux’s DSA which makes her far stronger than the average Noctis and is therefore always in use.


Transformation type Demonic Spiritual Abilities are DSAs that allow its user to transform into something like a wolf, an element, or an object of some kind. A good example of a transformation DSA would be the Kyōki family who all have the ability to both control and transform into some sort of element.


Speed is a sub-type of DSA that is described as a DSA that can speed or slow down a person whether that is the user themselves or someone of their choosing.


Reactive DSA is a sub-type of DSA that reacts to whatever is around them at the time. A good example of a reactive DSA is Rose Hatterson’s DSA which allows her full control of her Demonic Essence allowing her to do things with her Demonic Essence that no other Noctis or demon for that matter can do which due to her awful mental state caused it to gain semi-sentience. Meaning that her Demonic Essence will often react to things that are happening around it with or without her input.