Samara's House, Home for Women and Children Building / Landmark in Terranon | World Anvil

Samara's House, Home for Women and Children

A small farmhouse on the outskirts of Novandria, the home was once owned by the Bauer family. After the death of Samara Bauer, it was passed down, sold, and eventually became derelict and abandoned after disturbing incidents began happening.   Now revitalized, it is brightly decorated with flowers, and stands proud with herbs and plants growing in the back, both for healing and for produce.   There is a small family cemetery with a memorial and a Continuous Flame burns here in memory of Samara and all those who lost their lives in similar circumstances.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of this house is twofold. One is as a place of safety and healing for women and children who have been abused by their spouse. Secondary to that, is the production of healing herbs for the church and clinics that it runs.



It was discovered that the previous owner, Samara, was murdered by her husband and buried in the well. Her remains were recovered and laid to rest in the family cemetery.   The home was recently purchased and renovated and donated to the Church of Loreali to become a safehouse for women and children, dedicated in Samara’s name.
Parent Location
Owning Organization