Ruskovian Diplomatic Embassy Building / Landmark in Terranon | World Anvil

Ruskovian Diplomatic Embassy

The Ruskovian Embassy is located in an upper district residential area, with access to the Noble district along with several other Embassies.   The three diplomatic entities are an Ambassador and two Ministers. The Ambassador, or head diplomat, is Vedenin Bogdan Ivanovich, from House Anchabadze, and is assisted by compatriots Alliluyeva Elisavetta Anatolievna from House Lortkipanidze and Pelyovin Denedikt Victorovich from House Vorotynsky.

Purpose / Function

To foster relations with the country of Eisen and act as a point of contact for nobles that need to communicate with Ruskovich regarding important matters. It is not used by common folk to resolve immigration disputes or lower-level commercial disputes. However, as one of the diplomats is from House Lortkipanidze, major commercial ventures can be brought there for review and potential assistance.


A large stone and brick mansion with extensive gardens, built in the Ruskovian style.


It is ringed by an iron-wrought fence, and they employ a rotation of 5 guards that alternate between inside and outside of the residence.


The Ruskovian diplomatic mission is currently a permanent mission, having set up the embassy 14 years ago. The diplomatic core is composed of three nobles from Ruskovich, along with their retainers and family. While the Czar has sent diplomatic missions to all of the countries of Europa, Eisen has the largest contingent of nobles assigned to it currently. The influx of commercial power as well as the industrial boom occurring have piqued the interest of the Winter Court.
Parent Location
Owning Organization