Brickstacks Building / Landmark in Terranon | World Anvil


The Brickstacks is a three to four story block of tenement buildings run by the VonNovia family and earned its name being its facade is made up of red and white bricks. It has four front entrances, however only one is open and accessible to the public with a wrought-iron placard holding a white-painted wooden sign that states its numbered address, ‘The Brickstacks’, and ‘Landlord’s office’ written below with an arrow pointing towards the door.   The VonNovia’s started out with owning just one of the four towering blocks attached to the Brickstacks but through time and effort purchased the other three at varying intervals. Now that they are older, they turned it over a decade ago to their then recently married kinder as a wedding present and dowry.

Ground Floor
1st Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor

Purpose / Function

The Brickhouses are tenement housing for single people or a few lets on the third and fourth floors are set aside for single family living. It is meant to service upper-lower class or lower-middle class people and families.


The Blocks are connected past the interior of the foyer on each block with the exception of the block containing the Landlord’s office which only leads into the delivery/mail room and the Landlord’s office. On the ground floor it contains a separate parlor for each block, a grand study in the middle of the inner two blocks, and on the outer two a drawing room for women on one side and a parlor for men on the other. There are also two kitchens in either exterior block which leads to the communal dining hall in the interior blocks.   The first floor contains single person rooms and communal bathrooms of which tennants can sign up for a daily/weekly bath schedule, the carbon copy must be submitted every Sunday night to Mx Ti. The bathrooms must remain unlocked at all other times unless in use. There are some single person rooms on the second floor but also some family units as well and the third floor on the middle blocks. The family units on the third floor are the most roomy and most expensive but also have access to an outdoor shared patio.  
Front Parlor (Pink Room)
Front Parlor (Red Room)
Front Parlor (Yellow Room)
Landlady's Office
Men's Parlor
Lady's Parlor


The back garden where the Brickstacks have a communal garden and play area for children is walled and gated. The tenants also have keys specifically to the brickstacks to let them in and out. (These keys will also set off detect magic spells).


There is no notable history of the place having been built originally as separate tenement buildings but now through the VonNovia family renovated to be a commune that encourages and fosters growth by building a community. There are rumors as to where the VonNovia got their money from for such an ambitious endeavor, however any rumor threads that have been followed have led to dead ends.
Apartment building / Tenament
Parent Location