Vampyre Species in Terralba | World Anvil
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The Race of Mist, Blood and Worship

Written by David_Ulph

I say you can find out the servants of Death by their marks. No man is born so unnatural that his body does not revolt at the foul pollution of undead blood. And by these marks you can tell them: by the fangs of the predator, for their thirst for blood is like that of a foul beast; by their porcelain white skin, cold to the touch and unnatural to the eye; the glow of their eyes, behind which lives the terrible hunger. These are the marks of the blackest evil. These are the marks of the Vampyre.
A Vampyre Hunter's anti-vampyric propaganda

Biological Information

Anatomy & Morphology

Vampyres are completely humanoid apart from usually paler pigmentation in their skin and more pronounced canine teeth. The pronunciation and shape of the canines depends on the ethnicity of the Vampyre. Female Vampyres will also have larger lips with a stronger shade of red than other humanoids. t is possible for Vampyres to reproduce with any humanoid species, creating Vampyres with the same biology as the ethnicity of the Vampyre, but - for the most part - the physical appearance of the other species.
Vampyre skin is paler than the average human, with varying degrees depending on ethnicity. Even in beating sun, Vampyre skin will not tan, but leave burn marks much like a red-headed human or Korg. In some communities, a Vampyre will stick out amongst the crowd, seeming ill, ghostly, or even a corpse risen from its grave leading some stories to be told that Vampyres are undead beings. Depending on the ethnicity, Vampyres may have noticeable canines protruding from their mouths. In others, it may only be subtle even when their teeth are examined. These fangs only develop long after the teething process of an infant and when the child reaches around 5 years of age. Vampyres have slightly larger pupils than the average man, allowing their sight to adapt to darker conditions quicker. With age, sight can even become clearer in total darkness.
While their hair is usually well kept by the individual, Vampyres will naturally have thinner hair than the average human. With any stress in the Vampyres' life or purely with old age, their hair will fall out causing baldness for the rest of their life. A pure-bred Vampyre will never be able to grow facial or bodily hair, even after puberty. A cross-breed Vampyre may have a chance to grow some thin facial/bodily hair but the gene preventing this is often dominant.
With time, a Vampyre can learn to adapt it's body and change it in various ways depending on the ethnicity it derives from. For example, one Vampyre may be able to shift it's body composition much the same as a wolf, while another may evaporate into particles much like dust or mist before reconstructing.

Dietary Needs & Requirements

Vampyres are purely carnivorous. The iron found in blood is required for the species to keep strong and so their stomachs have evolved to better hold down raw or even rotting meats rather than lead to infection or illness as would an average human. Blood is also required more to survive due to this evolved metabolism absorbing the salt in the Vampyre's body. Vampyres of genetic strains with more salt deficiency will also drink sea water when blood cannot be acquired.

Biological Cycle

While it is possible for Vampyres to live all year round as they did while at war with Bludalfs in Mylrond during the Second and Third Eras, it is extremely common for individuals to go into a period of hibernation during the Summer months. This allows Vampyres to be most active in Winter when it is darker for longer and a higher chance of cloud during the day, decreasing the likelihood of a Vampyre being burned by the sun. Summer hibernation has more advantages to Vampyres because, as predatory creatures, any deaths or disappearances a Vampyre causes can be explained as due to the seasonal weather, making sure as to not conjure any suspicions to a Vampyric infestation nearby.
In areas populated by a lot of people such as towns and cities, to avoid detection when hibernating, a Vampyre will often choose to sleep in a coffin where if anyone were to come across the resting Vampyre, it's cold touch and unnoticeably faint heartbeat would cause anyone to believe it is just a corpse. Vampyres with more pronounced or noticeable features may further choose to mask their head while hibernating, much like the funerary practices of worshipers of Saint Vortarius. While the Vampyres hibernate, their safety and society will be looked after by their slaves or non-Vampyre worshippers of the Wapierzic religions.

Civilisation & Culture

Social Structure

According to the Wapierzic religions Vampyres abide by, whatever family or bloodline you derive or are connected to gives you your position in the social structure. Because of this, every aspect of Vampyre life and culture may seem to have a feudalistic aspect, with some Vampyres being respected or hated purely because of the blood they share with ancestors.

Geographic Distribution

Vampyres used to be one of the more predominant species in Mylrondia until the Bludalfar Kingdoms drove them back. As of the Third Age onwards, Vampyres are most commonly found in the Mistlands and Mistwall in north Mylrondia. Some pockets of the species also call Lionmidden, Valhol Hold, and even the Capitalia their homes.


Generally, any Vampyre warrior will be trained by the Clan to be proficient in wielding both maces and shortswords. Maces and blunt weapons are most favoured by Vampyres as it limits the bloodloss of their victims before being able to feast on them or drain them. Shortswords on the other hand will, with the increased strength of a healthy Vampyre, be able to damage chainmail and plate armour alike. Many Vampyres will wield both in combat and almost all will definitely have one of each on their person at all times.
When threatened or outnumbered by a foe or just while hunting wild animals, many Vampyres will resort to ranged weapons; mainly shortbows with their strength behind it. In some Vampyre communities, slings are especially common as it offers both range and a lack of bloodloss.
Scientific Name
Related Ethnicities

Common Myths & Legends

There are many myths concerning Vampyres in almost all cultures that have had contact with the race on Terralba. It is thought in Elgerlor, the region of Elgerlia with the least Vampyric presence, that drinking the blood of a Vampyre will provide one with a prophetic dream state. Cultures in Mylrond, where almost every native family can trace lineage back to fighting Vampyres throughout the Second and Third Eras, fear that even looking into the eye of a Vampyre for just a second will put you under that Vampyre's immediate thralldom.

The people here work so hard, and they never allow themselves a moment of fun. It's such a pity. It won't last forever though. I know you for what you are. This town's blood is ours. Leave it! Now we must return to our roles lest the sheep suspect the wolves.
A Vampyre showing their fierce territorial nature.

Oh my, a guest! Please, make yourself at home! Lone travellers can find these woods a little treacherous.

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Cover image: by Marek Madej


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