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Common Imperial Idioms

Written for Prompt 15 (2019 Summer Camp)

Written by David_Ulph

While there are many cultures under the Great Western Empire, many forget that they are all united under an Imperial culture seen nowhere else on Terralba. This includes various idioms that have spread throughout the GWE and everyone from lowborn to highborn have adapted into their lifestyle in the centuries the Empire has lasted.
When you go to visit a wolf, take your dog with you
This means that if you know you are going to talk to someone or do something that is known to be dangerous, always make sure you have someone loyal to you by your side. Was especially popular in the Eastern Skìrah Holds due to their rivals in the West being known as "The Wolves".
Behind the hills
This means just "in the middle of nowhere"
To each man, his own cormorant
Cormorants are surprisingly common throughout Elgerlia, so much so it is believed that there is a unique one for every citizen in the GWE. This means that anyone has their own opinions or personal preference, just as they have their own cormorant.
Put silk on an antler, and it will be beautiful
This means that you can dress anything up to look good, but in the end it will still lack action, power, quality, material or energy.
The thing the children see is what they do, the thing they hear is what they say
This means that the young will always copy and learn from the actions of their elders.
Hunger is a good cook
This literally means that the food you eat always tastes better when you are hungry, but extends to that anything feels much better after not having or doing it for a prolonged time.
What cannot be helped must be put up with
This means that there is no point mourning or trying to fix something unrecoverable and inevitable.
To him who travelled furthest from home, the sweetest music ever were the words "come home"
This means that everyone dreams of home, especially the further they travel.
The man who holds his tongue, he keeps his friends
This is a version of the local Dagor Human idiom; "Speech is silver but silence is golden".

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Cover image: by Grzegorz Przybyś


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