Alchemists Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Alchemists Guild


The Noble Guild of Alchemists is one of the most ancient in Atlantis - if not the most ancient of all. It is rumored to be linked to the creation of the Pyramids of Atlantis, and to have been founded by one of the Royal family princes during his travels around the world. The Alchemists still wield a lot of power in today's Atlantean Society.

Organisation Symbol

The organisation has one of the strangest of symbols - rather than going for a classical shield motif as other guilds have done - the Alchemists have a four part banner of icons. None of them are known to be current alchemy symbols except for that of Silver. But all four are said to be ancient forms of writing that has been found in the Pyramids at some point in history. Sages state that the symbols appear to reference the balancing of the Sun and the Moon, along with an Eye - but the last symbol is variously referred to as a damaged eye or as some form of craft or boat - but none are sure - it is said that only the Guild master of Alchemists knows the true meaning and he has not been seen for over five decades.

Prevalence of Organization

Any settlement of 1200 people or more will have some form of Alchemist Guild presence, the number of shops and associated buildings using the Alchemist Guild network throughout the kingdoms is now 225. This includes shops, Magister Guildhalls (Wizard Halls), Stalls and Libraries associated with Registered Alchemists. Some individuals in the Guild maintain their membership to gain discounts when purchasing raw materials for their own experiments.

Store Offers

  An Alchemist's stores include several items of value to adventurers, however availability is largely dependent on the size of the community within which the Alchemist is based, or how long they have been on the road.

Containers & Fragile Equipment On Offer

Alchemists do not normally stock a wide range of containers, but just enough for the basic lab or experiment. What containers they do offer are kept with the more fragile equipment - partly so that the surfaces of all such items can be kept contaminant free, but also so that it can travel without damage. It is said that nothing acts as a better barrier to breakage then a container built for travel. More varieties of such containers can be purchased from the Coopers Guild, Glassblowers Guild, or in rare instances the Crystalmasters Guild.

Item Cost Weight Capacity Rural Urban Polos Notes
CONTAINERS ___ _____ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____
Barrel 2 gp 30 gal 75% X X
Bottle (glass) 2 gp 1 1/2 pints X X X
Cask/Keg 1 gp 5 gal X X X
Flask/Tankard (Basic) 1 sp 1 pint X X X
Jars 1 sp 12 ounce X X X
Jug/Pitcher 1 sp 1 gal X X X
GLASS LAB EQUIPMENT ___ _____ _____ ___ ____ ___ _____
Alembic 10 gp X X distiller
Balance Scales 30 gp X X weight
Beaker 5 sp X X X
Beaker (Medium) 1 gp X X
Beaker (Large) 3 gp X
Burette 30% X
Distilling Coil 5 gp 50% X
Glass Tubing (per 2') 2 sp X X X
Glass Vials 1 sp X X X
Glass Rods (Stirring) 3 sp small 80% X X
Glass Retort (Basic) 1 sp 3 ounce 75% X


Flammable Equipment on Offer

  The Alchemy trade involves a lot of use of fire, and this includes the setting up of burners, and even forges of different types. The equipment for this is often stored separately.


The organisation has a normal guild based structure with the Guildmaster and elected officials, Masters are those who have successfully transmuted baser metals into something more noble. The Apprentices of the Guild are normally strongly linked to the work of Mages and Wizards, but are not limited to this. It has been noted that Journeymen of late tend to be Rogues - implying some attempt to gain knowledge of poisons by leading Thieves Guilds in a variety of towns and cities.


Given the economic underpinning of much of the currency in the world is based on Gold - the success of the guild in finding a way of mass transmutation of lesser metals into something more valuable is seen with mixed emotions. The Royal Family therefore keeps very close tabs on the progress of the guild in this area - as such the guild is growing increasingly wary of new recruits and keeps its methods more and more secret as the years go by. It is a culture of research but also increased paranoia.

Public Agenda

The Alchemists openly seek to help society, developing everything from ointments for animals, to anti-aging elixirs - they do not seek to harm other members of society and are actively researching new ideas with many other occupations and guilds in society. As such they are much appreciated by society - even more so than healers - given that they actively visit anyone who is willing to help them.


The Alchemists guild has a shop in every medium town and bigger, but they most commonly reach the commoner and Villages through the use of the traveling salesmen and guild members of lower levels are often seen criss-crossing the kingdoms with carts that carry the necessities to formulate basic potions and some remedies commonly needed. Their prices are always fair.

The Network of traveling alchemists (Tr'alkies) is extensive with travelers on main roads having a 10% chance of encountering a Tr'alky Alchemist at least once in a 28 hour time period.


The Alchemists themselves are not even sure of their own history. One rumor is that the first alchemist was in fact a low level mage who was trapped in one of the Atlantean Pyramids when it teleported to another land somewhere else on the planet - for several years he spent studying with a desert people and learned a related language and an iconographic written script that included methods of Alchemy hidden within it. He learned how to mix and measure, how to reduce and enter into solution different materials - resulting in his creation of alcohol, black powder, and many poisons. Upon the return of the Pyramid - he was brought back to Atlantis and he stated his science came from the Black - meaning the Land of Black Soil (Al Khemi). From this alchemy was created and the Atlanteans have continued to develop the science further.

Mythology & Lore

The Alchemists follow Hermes, in his capacity as the creator of languages, but also in terms of his mastery of the elements. They all recognise the Emerald Tablet as a key text, and worship him as the provider of written knowledge that allows the words of ancestors to be accurately presented in the present. The Science therefore considers a blessing from Hermes to be critical to their success in transmuting metals into Gold in the future.

All of the early texts written for the science are linked directly to Hermes and some even claim that he wrote some of the earliest Atlantean Alchemy texts that are in use today.

Mare Ventem Alat (The sea nourishes the Wind)

Founding Date
33 TT
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
The Sacred Order of Gold
The Chemists
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Items

cordial with connections

Strong supplier of needed materials

New entrant provider of lab equipment

cordial with connections


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