Apothecary and Ennobled Chemists Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Apothecary and Ennobled Chemists Guild


The Apothecary are often known as the Spicers, and are a strong component of the Pepperers. However, the food condiments and spices are the money making part of the Guild. Their real skill and interests lie in the area of medicines. Therefore, the Apothecary and Ennobled Chemists are also sub-guild under the Herbalists guild and the Alchemists guild. They make their living exclusively moving about from town to town and city to city, relying upon the local markets to provide an empty space within which to temporarily set up shop.

Each Apothecary is effectively a mobile chemist store, but most often they are providing highly dubious solutions to the problems faced by towns people and villagers.

The Ennobled Chemists are indeed royal provisioners of cures but many other providers are using their license to sell their own strange concoctions.

Their value lies in their mobility and many set themselves up around dungeons to help out adventurers after they have had a hard venture into the darkness. This provides some adventurers with the much needed healing and restorative emergency goods needed, but also provides an opportunity to make a quick coin.

Salutiffer Orbi

Dissolution Date
124 CY
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
The Spicers, The Pepperers


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