Singed Page Library Building / Landmark in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Singed Page Library

This library located nestled safely to the southereasterly corner of Carcassonne  is the greatest repository of religious texts in the Tense River Basin. At least insofar as The Purifier is concerned. It is part of the holdings of the Feathered Hope Which in part is why it is located so nearby the Feathered Flame Cathedral .
The librarian here is named Scribbs, she’s a friendly halfling. But she’s been under the weather for a spell. Perhaps longer. It’s certain to be fine, she’s under the regular care of a local Empiric .


Religious buildings in Carcassonne tend to have stone construction and stained glass windows. This library is no exception and it has glass mosaics depicting famous victories of The Purifier .
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