The Purifier Myth in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

The Purifier

Long ago, during the Decrept War the Purifier fought for the people of the Dominion against the forces of Vrykolakas. She was a phoenix and directly intervened in the Decrept War, but her final act during the war was one of self sacrifice. After receiving a mortal wound in a decisive battle, the Purifier burned out when the war ended. It was expected that she, as the goddess of rebirth, would return. To this day, near 1000 years later, the ember of the Purifier remains cold in the Rookery in Provenance.
Fundamentalist Pinions believe that the Purifier will return when it is needed. But many adherents to the religion believe rather that the Purifier works through the people of the Dominion to this day. They believe it falls to them, as stewards of her legacy, to protect the Basin.

In Art

Iconography of the Purifier is ubiquitous throughout the Pinion Dominion.
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