Feathered Hope Organization in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Feathered Hope

The people of the Pinion Dominion have always had a protector, a local god worshiped not just in awe of its power, but in respect for its protection and care. A great firebird that has nested in the Pinion Dominion since time before history was written. During the last war it was the Phoenix that protected the people and finally defeated the lich, sacrificing itself in the process.

The organization of the religion, with the power of their god, ruled the Pinion Dominion for ages, only ceding control to the Seated Council in the last few centuries. They are the dominant religion in Pinion, and still hold significant influence as the moral leaders and protectors of the people. Still standing guard against the undead threat.


The leadership is a divinely chosen Cardinal. In the absence of the Phoenix to chose, it is a bestowed title from one Cardinal to the next. Ensuring a legacy of divine right within the living body of the church.
Below the Cardinal, each city has a religious leader and serving clergy.

Public Agenda

They are part of the protection against undead in the Pinion Dominion.


In older times, Feathered Hope was not just the religion, it was the state and the military. Holy warriors, fighting against an undead horde the likes of which have not been seen for a thousand years. But wars have a way of breaking empires, even when they are 'victorious'.

With the death of the last Phoenix, the power of the church waned and they were less and less able to protect the people of Pinion. The wizards stepped forward, an arcane council formed to make military decisions based an assumed logic. Tactical thought where religious might no longer served.

There is still a tension between the Council and the Church, both believe they are the leaders of the people and only patience and honor prevents them from speaking ill of the other.

Tenets of Faith

Reincarnation is dependent on good acts in life. It is a reward for morality.
Destruction is necessary for growth
The Righteous do not care about being the Praised.


Every fortnight the community gathers in their local chapel or cathedral to hear their pastor speak on the wisdom of Purification. These serve as a meeting of the community, because shouting and responding is encouraged. Individual flames, invited to ignite a firestorm of debate and discussion.

They tithe, and pledge an obedience to the church in times of need. All citizens of age can be called into holy service, and sometimes they are. The military roots of the church are honored through that service.

Political Influence & Intrigue

They are in a constant silent struggle with The Seated Council for control over the Pinion Dominion. Neither has it in name, but both feel as though the other wields power is secret.


There is a conservative belief that is put forth by the Cardinal and some of his pastors throughout Pinion echo his fire and brimstone attitude of persecution of sin and judgement of man. They are actively trying to restore the practice of exorcism by fire.

An academic wing of thought within the church believes that the conflict against evil is a thing of the past and the real conflict is against evil in our own hearts and becoming at peace with ourselves and our community. They are strongly empathic, but entirely blind to the dangerous of the world.
Religious, Organised Religion
Manufactured Items
Notable Members
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