Empiric Character in Tense River Basin | World Anvil



There are perhaps a few dozen Empirics throughout the Pinion Dominion currently. They are the plague doctors and the local barbers. Wearing a long beaked mask with black orbs through which they see, none of their skin shows. Everything is draped in thick waxed fabric. their hands covered in interlocking metal plates, so much like an armored glove, but on each index finger a holster for a retractable syringe.
The Empirics treat and measure illness within the Dominion. They are there when the sick need them, and fearlessly go into homes with any illness from plague to threats of undeath. Nothing seems to deter them in their pursuit of medicine and knowledge.


Contacts & Relations

All Empirics have to undergo training with Empiric Frombly before they are issued their mask and sent out into the Dominion to serve. They refuse all but a minor amount of pay as a result of their duty to serve.

Family Ties

None, upon becoming an Empiric your duty is to the entire community, and to be tied to a past identity goes against that goal.

Religious Views

None stated. They are only concerned with the carnal world, and not the spiritual. What is here and now and knowable, rather than that which cannot be known.


They are standoffish, eschewing physical contact when they can and regarding everyone as a potential source of infection. They breathe shallow and slowly. Sometimes it looks like they so much control that they aren't breathing at all. They have a stillness to them, and a patience that seems lacking in a sometimes frightening world.


Voices are raspy, slow, and near in a whisper. As though to speak illness too loud would alert it to your presence and bring it upon yourself.
Current Location