Sweeny Smiles Barbershop Building / Landmark in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Sweeny Smiles Barbershop

There are three reclining barber seats in this small wooden structure. It is meticulously maintained by the proprietor. Generations of grinning razor blade wielding barbers have worked here. The haircuts are so good here, one could very nearly say they are magical.  

A Sharp New Look

3-level Transmutation

Ritual - does not require spell slot, takes 10 minutes longer
Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: Touch
Components: Verbal - An oddly threatening comment, Somatic - Giving a haircut, Material
Materials: Silver Shears worth 15gp, these shears must have tasted blood
Duration: 24 hours
This haircut is so well executed that it compels those who see it to offer a compliment. Anyone within 20ft of the target must make a DC 14 Wisdom save or be charmed into speaking aloud in a polite and earnest tone to compliment the haircut. Additionally, the bearer of such a haircut has a boost of confidence. They can activate this boost of confidence once before the end of the spell’s duration to roll 1d8 and add it to any one Charisma based check.
Available for: Barber
Barber / Dentist / Surgery
Parent Location