Crusader Item in Tarsis | World Anvil
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A Crusader is a heavy caliber repeating rifle initially made for the Order of the S'Vacian by J6. Made to combat mechan targets, Crusaders are too heavy and have too fierce recoil to be used by humans. Made of heavy metals to withstand the great chamber pressure the large rounds create, Crusaders are large and boxy weapons with medium-length barrels, a 20-round sickle-shaped detachable magazine, and lacking a stock. Capable of punching through thick armour and wreaking havoc on a Diezen mechan's maiga harness at a respectable, though not truly automatic, rate of fire, it is even more capable of devastating living targets. For this reason the Altean Army makes great efforts to recover or destroy Crusaders from fallen Altean mechans, as allowing the Diezens to use, or worse reverse engineer, Crusaders would be tantamount to killing the victims themselves.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Used by
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