Tog Twin-Scars Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Tog Twin-Scars

Orkish Mercenary
No one in the Drakkarian Lodge of the Mercenaries' Guild knows what Tog did to get kicked out of the Orkish Hills or what possessed him to travel all the way to Azermathia for work. The source of his name, given to him by his brothers and sisters in the Guild seems obvious; he has two long scars running in parallel down his green right cheek. Despite the mystery, however, the guild in Drakkar welcomed him just as they would any other member - as soon as he paid his dues. The fact that he gets routinely sent out to encourage local travellers and caravans that they need Guild protection may be due to the fact that he is good the work or it may be due to the fact that it keeps him out of the city on most days. Both likely have their roots in the fact that he is an Ork and Tog doesn't think that either speak well for the acceptance of his people by Humans.
In truth, Tog is somewhat small for an Ork, barely topping six feet. When practicing with his spear, however, he displays an uncanny agility with sweeping attacks and spinning defenses more akin to a Soulmeliti than an Ork. His size, combined with his articulate manner of speech - in both Azermathian and Eldorian may go a long way toward explaining his exile.

Some say Tog is short for an Ork, but his still tops six feet and can frighten a stone wall with his stare. When he speaks, however, he is extremely articulate, allowing him to present both the monster and gentlemen when encouraging travellers and merchants to take advantage of the Mercenaries' Guild's services.

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Current Location
Early Twenties
Orkish Hills
Dark Brown
Black, Greasy, and Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Green and Tough
6 ft. 2 in.
240 lb.
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