Ork Species in Tarien | World Anvil


An Ork Afternoon

Me’ and mise friend Bosh were flingin’ buggers one day, when we’s gots this great idea. Bosh says “hey, look over there…..”
I looks down, and what does I see but a pretty group of Soulmeliti coming towards my hill. So I turns around and says “Hey Gook, Gnobhold, Bunderbutt, Blashish, Bogknot, Fingerstuck, Kish, get your green butts up here and bring da stuffs.” So they’ s goes and grabs the stuffs and brings it up to me’s. “Whacha want to do boss?” says Gook. “Whacha tink I wants do’s? I wants to go say ‘Hi’ to the pretty Soulmeliti.” They all laugh, and we’s gets ready. “Okay” I says. “Heres da plan. We run down the hill, screamin and yellin while Bognot and Fingerstuck grabs some rocks and chucks em at de Soulmeliti. Then, when dere lookin at da rocks, we brain bash em and take dere stuff. Got it?”
“Yeah, but me and Fingerstuck dont want to stand here and chuck rocks. We always chuck da rocks while you guys goes and bashes. We wants to go bash.”
“Okay” I says. “Who wants to chuck da rocks?” Gnobhold and Blunderbutt put dere hans up. "Okay, you guys get some rocks and we’ll get ready.”
So then we goes down and beats da snot out of dem Soulmeliti's. Bognot got stuck by one of dem Soulmeliti, but we gots tons of stuff. We all divides it up, drink da wine, grab da women and partied dat night.


Orks tend to be mislabeled as being “Evil” or “Monstrous,” when this is not entirely the case. They are one of the few races on Tarien that believe in true freedom. Nobody cares what you do or where you do it or whom you do it with, as long as it doesn’t interfere with what they’re doing. This leads to a fairly carefree attitude where the concept of fun knows no boundaries. Many things that are viewed as wrong or bad in other society (such as burning down Soulmeliti villages) tend be seen as fun by Orks. They have tried anything and everything for a good laugh, and put a couple beers in them and things can get out of control rather quickly.
Orks really have no morals to speak of. Just about anything is permissible in Ork society as long as some bigger Ork doesn’t get mad and beat the snot out of you. They have a loose form of religion, but this is steeply based in the Ork philosophy of freedom. Superstition and fear tend to curb Ork desires for wild rampaging parties, but this can only last so long. Orks see other races as prime targets for their exploits, and have no qualms about killing someone who would do the same if given the chance. This attitude tends to alienate other races due to the unpredictability and volatility of Orkish behavior. In fact, it is a common phrase throughout the land to anyone who is acting in a rude or otherwise disturbing way “Stop acting so Orkish….” In many places, this is considered to be an extreme insult, but the Orks seem to delight in other races view of their brutishness.

Physical Description

Ork males average around 6 and half feet tall and three hundred pounds. Women tend to be smaller, but are usually just as tough. They all have green skin and brutish, ugly, faces with heavy brows and large canines reminiscent of Neanderthal man. They tend to have a stocky build despite their height, with huge, rippling muscles. Orks will wear just about anything, ranging from the torn off skin of some dead animal uncured, to a suit of plate mail armor. Orks clothing tends to be designed as armor, with plates of metal stitched into cloth for protection. Every piece has some functionality to it, and no space is wasted, from their hats down to their shoes. Orks love to put blades wherever possible, despite the fact they may be useful only in limited situations. This does not mean that they indiscriminately attach pieces to their body, but rather put pieces where they feel they may be useful, just in case. This is true of both males and females, as fights are frequent and generally fatal. Ork fashion is non-existent.


With the exception of Goblin – which fear Orks intensely, Most races dislike Orks – finding them brutish and unclean. Khadra and Soulmeliti have a long history of racial animosity toward them, while Flind and Elynthi see them simply as beasts to be hunted or enslaved. Of all the races, Humans are the most likely to work with an Ork – and humans with this quality are rare.


Orks live in a tumultuous society where the strong lead, and the weak die. As a whole, their society tends toward Chaotic Evil. Individual Orks, especially those that adventure, will vary from this norm.

Orkish Lands

The great Orkish tribes range far and wide in northern Tarien – predominantly in hills and mountains to the north of the Soulmeliti Forests. Their migratory range extends as far east as Merdenkal , although most tribes do not venture as far as the The Flietch-ta Empire.


Orks typically worship Grashua, the child of Tiras, and one of her titan warlords, Grashua is a god who favors violence and action over rational thought – a trait he admires in his adopted children.


Orkish is a guttural language in the Frosted Mountain language group group. It has no written equivalent. Many Orks speak Goblin and Giant, which are closely related to their own language. Orks also learn to speak the languages of the Flind and Elynthi if captured and enslaved.


Ork names are used to express power and awe in their comrades. Names such as Kish (Killer), Blashish (Conquorer), and Krunk (Warlord) are common. Stronger Orks often give their weaker comrades names such as Gook (Goblin) and Bunderbutt (Slave). During their lifetime, an Ork may have many names – using whichever name is appropriate at the time.


Orks often adventure for love of violence. Those who tolerate their brutish personalities and hygiene often see Orks as powerful bodyguards. Intelligent Orks, who wish for more out of life than the hunting and pillaging life of the tribe, often try to make their way in the civilized world by adventuring.
It is true that Orks live in filth. It is true that the only law in their tribes is that the strong prey on the weak. It is true that that their offspring fight each other for food so that only the most ruthless survive. It is not true, however, that Orks have no culture. In a way, their morals—or lack of—resemble mankind at the dawn of existence. Perhaps, in the next several millennia, they too will build cities.
Royal Sociologist Armand Riesgaard, Galencian Center for Racial Studies
The River of Tears, in the Bloodwood
Related Organizations

Ork Racial Traits

  • Ability Scores: +2 to Strength, +1 to Constitution. Orks are extremely powerfully built.
  • Size: Medium.
  • Speed: Ork base speed is 30 feet.
  • Darkvision: An Ork can see up to 60 feet in dim light as if it were brightlight and in darkness as if it were dim light.
  • Menacing: Huge and ugly, Orks can use their size to terrify most people. They gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
  • Relentless Endurance: Orks are notoriously difficult to kill. When reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, they can drop to 1 hit point instead. They can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
  • Savage Attacks: Ork are ferocious fights and their blows can cause more damage than that of a human. When and Ork scores a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, they can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
  • Scent: Orks have extremely keen noses. They can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. They can identify familiar odors just as humans can identify familiar sights with their eyes. They can track by scent, and have advantage on Perception checks that rely on smell.
  • Unarmed Combat: Fighting, with or without weapons, is an Ork's way of life. All Orks gain proficiency in Unarmed Combat.
  • Automatic Languages: Orkish
  • Bonus Languages: Choose two of the following: Draconic, Flind, Giant, Goblin, Infernal, as well as any Human that they may live near. An Ork may elect to spend one of these slots to learn to read our write and of their languages instead. But why would they bother?

Artwork: "Winding River" by Brian S. Kissenger