Nedri Marigold Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Nedri Marigold

Orkish Druid

Nedri is an Ork of a slightly smaller build, she is tall but a little less stocky than most. She has long black hair, muted green skin with some darker green scars, and tries to dress like a common traveler. Growing up in the Orkish Hills, Nedri was your typical Ork; she liked to hunt, fight and party. One particularly drug fueled evening Nedri was wandering and stumbled across a field of marigolds. She found them so beautiful and enchanting, it shifted her perspective on nature and Orkish culture (this obviously had nothing to do with the drugs in her system...). On that evening, she forsake Grashua and vowed to worship nature and the lands of Tarien. Her tribe found this to be despicable and cast her out. While saddened and enraged by this, she has since come to understand that she could not continue on in her path to worship nature in her Ork tribe. She left home and took on a last name: Marigold, for the field of flowers that forever changed her life.
Nedri has been exploring Tarien and seeking to find more information on how she can protect and devote herself to nature. What little magic she has learned has been self-taught, communing with animals and plants and relishing in the divine of the natural world. She finds a lot of hostility from almost everyone due to her race, and tries her best to be kind and friendly to help change people's perspective of her. While knowing that the arcane is found suspicious amongst the Orks, she doesn't yet realize the ramifications that openly practicing magic might have for her in the rest of Tarien. She is currently searching for some enlightenment, maybe a tutor, and possibly a friend or two.
Current Location
Orkish Hills
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Muted Green
6 ft.
225 lb.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Julia Conte Vrabel