Legerdemain Character in Tarien | World Anvil


The Invisible Hand

In 18th century BC a boy was born in the land that would one day be known as the Island of Eldoria. His name was Aurthur Brandik, and although his parents were very religious, he became a firm atheist. In an effort to dissuade him from his views, his parents took him to many temples and priests. Their efforts were in vain however, as Aurthur held to his opinion and eventually ran away at age 12 to become a cabin boy on one of the first ships to cross the Eldorian Sea.
By his 20th year, he was a first mate, and the hand of fate directly intervened in his life. He was shipwrecked and survived a 50-mile swim to the shore of the Carboth. After traversing the desert and the Jungles of Thallox, he climbed the Arm of the Gods to the legendary Peak of the World. Where he discovered: one, his assumptions were true, and there were no gods; and two, a lush, blooming tree, with flowers of blue fire. Consumed with awe he picked a flower, causing the entire tree to immolate itself in a brilliant explosion.
Hurled from the mountaintop by the explosion, Aurthur lay unconscious for weeks. Upon his awakening, he found himself possessed with an intrinsic knowledge of reality and its workings. He declared to the sky that he was Legerdemain, power incarnate. He wandered the world with his newfound knowledge, disseminating it to those followed him. This first group of followers became the first wizards.
In 1732, Legerdemain ascended to the rank of godhood, taking on the portfolios of magic, and spells.


As a non-political organization with few members, the priesthood did not have a noticeable influence in the written history of Tarien. The only thing that prevented the priesthood from being viewed as a minor cult is the obvious power that the priests wield. In addition the academic mindset of the priesthood often makes these priests ideal tutors and instructors at various residences and institutions all across Tarien. It is almost certain that information about the priesthood is interspersed throughout the daily lesson plan. This ensures that, at least among the learned, that the name Legerdemain is known and recognized.  
With the Mage Wars, of course, this all changed. Unable to tell the difference between the divine miracles of Legerdemain and the arcane powers of the magi, the mobs of the Inner Seas gleefully burned Legerdemain's priests at the stake, alongside their wizardly friends. With these fires, the organization of the church burned out as well.


The knowledge, preservation, and distribution of magic were the primary beliefs of the priesthood, a task at which they clearly failed. During the height of their influence, most of the priesthood also viewed wild magic as an abomination, although certain members of the priesthood did not completely concur. They ranged from those who secretly wished they had the courage to experiment with it, to those who blatantly announced themselves and their views, this usually results in the aforementioned party being labeled a scion and ‘banned’ from the priesthood. The actual effects of banishment were minor due to the small number of priests. Basically, a scion would never acquire tenure, but scions were still respected and consulted. A scion of graduate status or greater was still automatically registered for the Discoveries Exposition, provided he included a traditional counterpoint in his display.


While no longer exists, as the priesthood largely operated out of the University of Karradone's School of Pure and Applied Thaumaturgy, several documents detailing the priesthood remain today. The priesthood was structured not unlike a large university. Titles reflected this outlook. Before becoming a priest one must have completed nine grades of initiate status. Throughout this time the “priest to be” was known fittingly as an initiate. During the graduation ceremony, the former initiates were officially welcomed to the priesthood.
The second rank through which a priest must have progressed (the first rank in which the members are considered priests) is that of scholar. This rank contained six grades. A priest was not known as an associate until he completed his sixth scholar grade. To complete the next rank, the associate would undergo the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree. When an associate completed his fourth grade he was known as a graduate.
A graduate must have complete a mere two grades before advancing to the next rank; of course these “mere two ” grades were exceedingly difficult. A graduate successfully completing his second grade was known as a master. At long last a priest would have truly been considered informed when he completes the second grade of his master rank. He would then be known as a doctor of the priesthood and would have received paid tenure, as long as he engaged in instruction at least two quarters out of the academic year. All doctors were considered equal, but in extreme circumstances where seniority must have been determined, a doctor’s degree level may be used. Doctor was an open-ended rank with degrees of advancement beginning at one, and limited only by the priest’s desire for knowledge. It was whispered among few that some exceptional priests wouldn't even allow the end of their natural life to put a stop to their quest for information.
The priesthood used garments of blue as normal and ceremonial dress, as well as distinguishing uniforms. The darker the blue, the higher ranked the priest. Initiates were derogatorily referred to as ‘ghosts’, or ‘laundry’.
Most of the ceremonies were of an academic nature, graduations and such. There was one ceremony that is of interest to those ‘in the know’ on Tarien. The annual Discoveries Exposition was a showcase of new magic in any form by priests, guest wizards, magical creatures, and extra planar envoys. It was a wondrous experience for any being. It was also the closest thing to a magical bazaar that you can find. The registration fee was quite outrageous, but priests of graduate rank and higher pay nothing provided they give a seminar or demonstration.
"Why then, we ask ourselves, did no other mortal mage ascend to the same heights as Legerdemain? Did he, being the first, have some special spark that has yet to be replicated in history? Or did he, upon becoming a god, lock some portion of his knowledge away, preventing others from taking his path?"
Blue Flame
Main Temple
Tree of Magic, the Peak of the World
Magic, Mysterious Forces
Head of Priesthood
A Priest o Legerdemain's "Messaging" Invention at the Grand Exposition
