Suaitheantas Settlement in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil


Nestled deep within a mountain at the edge of the Steppes, this true fortress bastion of the Dwarven people stands as the Bulwark of the Tundra. The birthplace of the famous Suranthi 14th Brigade, the Iron Dragons. It is a city of warmth, despite the cold environment, heated by magma vents, and the lava river that flows through the mountain just within its walls and area of influence. Smoky, an adjustment for any from the surface, the dull orange glow of the lava river and various mushrooms and mosses make up most of the light, supplemented by lanterns across the city, creating this eerie orange hazy effect with the constant smokey fog that hovers all throughout the massive cavern. The smell of molten rock and metals are common scents here, considered part of everyday life, and completely unnoticed by the locals. The various cliff shelves house mine entrances, while some caverns also house mushroom farms, those few with small underground ponds and the like to support such farming efforts. Edible mushrooms of at least four varieties are grown here in noticeable amounts.


As always this census breakdown and population count doesn't account for kids, only for adults of working age, those whom pay taxes, and their spouses should their spouses not work directly, though most do in some facet. This table is here more for adjusted random race rolls for players and GM NPC generation.

Race Percentage of Population Count
Dwarf 31% 3439
Elf 3% 333
Halfling 11% 1220
Human 20% 2219
Gnome 12% 1331
Vrock 21% 2329
Tiefling 2% 222


1 - Barazbarak Clan Compound: This section of the city houses the marvelous homesteads of the direct bloodlines of the Gnolundi clan, that is anyone whom is direct shared blood. Some four hundred or so dwarves live here, housed in this small fortress compound within the larger city itself. The structures here are built like small fortifications, solid stone, steel reinforced doors, narrow windows, and more. However that is not to say it is not awe inspiring. The architecture is exquisite, the stonework immaculate. The designs and iconography are complex, the artwork subtle, but brilliant in the stonework and craftsmenship, depicting various symbols, insignia, or heraldric imagery of the various individual family lineages within the umbrella of the Gnolundi bloodlines. Within this fortified compound, many of the city's wealthiest and most successful business owners live, along with some grandmaster craftsmen. In many ways, this compound acts as the unofficial city hall, for Lord Protectorate Gnolundi's city council of includes himself, and ten others, five of which live within this compound, and are related to Gnolundi by blood or marriage.

9 - Suait Courthouses and City Hall: These two buildings side by side house the city courthouses to the north and city council to the south. These two dominant buildings are large, but of course many smaller buildings are scattered about this block. Legal offices, record halls, city counciller's office buildings, for example.

10 - Suiat Police Departments: Fortified structures that dot Suaitheantas' city-scape, these are the SPD's precincts, where the city police forces operate out of. Each precinct houses a few holding facilities, generally seven to ten cells in the basement.

31 - Suait Railyard Customs: The local customs offices for shipping and recieving in the railyard, also where the local squadrons of Rail Wardens are stationed.


6 - 'Baraz Barracks' Military Academy and Garrison: Known as the birthplace of the 14th Brigade, the Iron Dragons, this academy is well known for being a catch all school for infantry specializations. It is not a recruitment center, or an officer school, though both those services are available. It is meant to train specialized infantry troops, such as marskmen, scouts, musketeers, and of course the infamous Suranthi 14th Brigade, the Iron Dragons. At any given time the 'Barracks' are housing seven hundred to a thousand soldiers whom are hopefuls in training to move up into one of those specialized units, out of being a 'clansman' (regular) in the Suranthi Armed Forces. As such, Suiatheantas basically has a ready made city defense force at all times, readily available. Interestingly one of the city's two prisons are housed here as well; Old Shacklewell.

Industry & Trade

2 - Suait Iron and Coal Mines: These tunnels are run by the city and regional government, these mines. They are the busiest, most staffed mining operations and they are pulling out two particular resources in bulk that explain why. Coal and Iron. These resources are what drive forward Suranth and Valerick as a whole. Some two thousand or more work these mines as a full time job, and that is not even including the logistics side of moving, refining, or shipping the raw material pulled out. Thats just pulling it out. These mines directly result in metal goods of all kinds being cheaper than in many places in Suranth. Recently rumor has been spreading that in one of the shafts, miners may have stumbled onto a vein of Chiron, another highly valuable ore that is difficult to work with, but without aid of rune-crafting seems to capture and hold the essence of the tundra. As of yet none has been pulled out and entered the market, but if its true, it is a valuable find indeed, as Chiron ore is worth up to four times more than Iron ore.

3 - Sotarmac Flashrite Mine: Run by a cousin-by-marriage to Lord Protectorate Gnolundi, Ulimak Sotarmac, this mine tunnel runs further into the mountain to the north, and down, to tap into two rather large Flashrite deposits that are found there. This flashrite mine is rich, the deposits here believed to be enough for a century or more of ore available. Flashrite being as valuable as it is, this is a big export, and another big employer in the city, accounting for nearly a thousand workers just in the mine alone, in shifts. Recently though, the word has got around that their have been issues within the mine tunnels. A few worker disappearances, some bodies turning up in various tunnels. Supposedly Sotarmac is in the market to hire some troubleshooters to investigate and get to the bottom of this, as well as body guards for his work force. He has been generally displeased thus far with the local authorities efforts, as it has been a few months and they seem no closer to having any information for him.

4 - Folgarimac Tacturinium Mine: This small but valuable mining operation only employs some three or four hundred workers, however the ore discovered and being pulled from here is exceedingly valuable. Tacturnium, the metal that scales the Dragons. This mine is a not so secret-secret weapon of the Suranthi Armed Forces and Suranth in general. The deposit is quite large, and the amount of this ore needed in production to make Tactuiron armor or weapons, is actually quite minimalistic, the ratio in excess of five parts iron, one part tacturnium. The stuff is worth its weight in gold and then some, and as such, is of high prioriety locally and nationally. The entrance is always guarded, by Iron Dragons stationed in the city no less, as patrol and protection of local natural resources and the workers whom harvest and acquire them, is their standing order and mission whenever any squadrons are stationed here. To enter this mine, one requires a worker's pass, signed and issued by Lord Tavik Folgarimac himself, the dwarf whom first discovered the deposit.

11 - Magma Refineries: Magma is a resource well used by the people of Suaitheantas. For one, they have a process of cooling the stuff, pumping out some with specialized runecrafted tactuiron piping, into special molds, also rune crafted, to cool them right down into solid stone for brick work. But besides this, they've a variety of techonolgies at these plants to seperate the molten rock from any molten metallics or other minerals worth harvesting. These refineries all employ at least one magister of Domhan and and one of Doietean, whom help with the various seperation processes, utilizing their magicks to aid in controlling, directing, and handling the molten material at key points in the process.

14 - Guilder's Market: Effectively the marketplace of businesses and the wealthy, of master craftsmen, the shops and trade workshops here set a proper scene, so close to their Guild Halls and Offices, the Hiring Halls and Office buildings dominating the east side of the market. Like most cities, some handful of Guilds are big enough to justify such large structures alone, whilst others whom have a smaller footprint in the city group together and share offices and a guild hall. Unsurprisingly, the Miner's Guild is the dominant Guild here, along with the Magmamen Guild and Blacksmith's Guild.

24 - South end Markets: These smaller shops and market buildings are the outlets, the places where most tradespeople's lower apprentices sell their finished goods, those that are in excess to any contracted goods, to the public. This is the main market place of the general public of Suaitheantas and for tourists as well.

30 - Suait Railyards, Warehousing and Maintenance: This section of the railyards is where cargo is stored, transferred, and here too are both mechanic depots meant for train car maintenance. This area is always wildly busy and dangerous, goods, people, large animals, and bulk cargo being moved all about, in and out. It is a dangerous place if one were to try and wander it during the day, one would be just as likely to get run over.


7 - St.Fiallach's Cemetary: The only graveyard in the city, maintained by the Kartheartian Church, the cairns and masoluems here mark this as the resting place of the upper class and wealthy. Most others are 'buried' in the Remari, the magma river that flows by the western edge of the city.

8 - St. Fiallach's Temple: The local chapter of the Kartheartian church is run out of this temple, named for Lord Protectorate Gnolundi's father, whom is formally recognized by the church as a saint for his efforts in reclaiming the stronghold of Suaitheantas. He is entombed below the church, in a most holy tomb that is meant for him and his descendants.

12 - Military District: This area is so named because it is generally where the families of military personal make their homes. The largest and most comfortable of the houses are owned by various moderately high ranking officers and their families, whereas the smaller dwellings and rentals are home to the families of lower ranking personal, employees of the Barracks, or rented to students of the Magisterium or any of the various training programs offered within the Barracks.

13 - Staffer Blocks: This neighborhood gets its name for being owned by the nobility, all the properties, and are basically utilized as staff housing for the servants and clerical sorts whom are needed by those of wealth and means. Laundresses, Personal chefs, that sort of thing.

16 - Foreman Row: These large blocky buildings house quite spacious and comfortable apartments and townhouses, and the area gets its name for those whom make up most of the area's residents, that is crew heads, foremen, and site supervisors and their families, mostly those whom work in the mines or the rail yards. While no where near as exquisite or visible in their design, this is definitely a higher class neighborhood.

17 - Miner Hold: This neighborhood gets its name for being where most of those whom work the mines and their families make their home. The area is a rather standard middle class dwarven neighborhood by design, the homes are spacious enough, comfortable, though simple and barebones in design, a very simple, middle class and comfortable existence.

18 - Soot Holds: These two neighborhoods are sooty, the smoke from the railyards at its thickest, and the buildings are mostly shared tight townhouse designs of a dwarven style, thick stone, tight windows, no real flourish to the design work, or small brick work two or three room dwellings. Tight spaces, next to no space between buildings, side streets are even narrow, only the main thoroughfares well kept and proper width. It is here the lower end workers and the poor and destitute live. It is also here where much of the organized crime in the city runs through.

25-26 - Kartheartian Churches: These two churches of Sir Kartheart, like most in larger communities, contain little shrines off to the side of the main hall for the other Ascended, though no religion has near the presence of personal that the Kartheartian faith does. Each of these churches are run by a half dozen to a dozen various members of the cloth, priests and nuns mostly. There is known to be a priestess of Talia in the city currently, going around to the three churches at least one day a week and spending the rest of her time among the citizenry, merely offering help and blessings of the lady of the leaves, whilst maintaining Talia's shrines within the churches. Those of Talia's faith are known to be wanderers however, so how much longer she'll be in the city is anyone's guess.

27 - Steam Blocks: This neighborhood gets its name because here are where most of those whom work Suaitheantas' rail yards live.

29 - Suaitheantas Railyard Shipping and Logistics Offices: These various offices house the meeting and conference rooms for the big players in the Suranthi Rail industry in Suaitheantas, as well as a couple smaller local rail companies that work the regional and provincial shipping connections. It is always a busy and boisterous place, with people coming in and out, messengers arriving and being sent off constantly, meetings being held, monstrous sums of goods and money constantly being negotiated with, for and moved about.

32 - Suaitheantas Railyard and Terminals: Containing four main sets of tracks that run all the way in and out, with many side lines that allow up to ten locomotives to be in the station at once, Suaitheantas is one of the busiest rail stations in Suranth, for their proximity to Depenwood, they ship a lot of their raw mineral ore to their southern neighbors, along with shipping iron all along the rails throughout Suranth. The terminals are oft busy as well, as Suaitheantas is the easiest way into Suranth for anyone coming from Depenwood or all down the western parts of Suranth.

33 - Olgismac Bridge This named bridge is also hugely fortified, and is named for Lord Protectorate Gnolundi's younger brother whom died in a a vicious battle in one of the first excursions for the Iron Dragons. The bridge is heavily fortified to turn it into a murder square, for the bridge can be opened up via a control lever on the inside of the city side of the gatehouse.

34 - Baraz Way The major roadway that ties into the city.

36 - Midtown: This neighborhood is marked by how unremarkable it truly is. No one trade or industry of people dominant ownership here. Your average and regular white collar townsfolk live in these neighborhood.


Suaitheantas counts her blessings from the earth. Rich in iron, coal, flashrite and tacturnium, along with the diplomatic power control of these resources, particularly the largest known deposits of flashrite and tacturnium discovered so far, gives them in Suranth. This value means they get a lot of federal help and budget for defense, and it shows in the fortress styling of the city. From being built in a literal mountain, to being home to the most prestigious specialist advanced infantry training academy in all of Suranth, this city is very well equipped, manned and positioned to defend itself and the surrounding region. On top of all that, being the birthplace of the Iron Dragons means the city is never without the presence of a couple hundred of these elite soldiers, a boon to defense.

On top of this, the magma plants, and all that can be generated and handled by tapping into that resource is a large boon as well. It provides a plethora of natural resource needs, but one that escapes direct notice, but helps the city immensely, is how it effects the local Magisterium. Domhan and Doietean Magisters feel the pulse of their leylines very acutely within the city, as one knowledgeable in the magical arts might expect. This means the magisters that would come forth to help defend the city are highly skilled, very powerful in their craft, and have more than ample manna in the region to tap into.

Guilds and Factions

5 - Vulcanoris Collegiate: This is the campus of the Magisterium Collegiate in Suaitheantas, and it is tied in directly to the larger housing of Baraz Barracks, neighboring the military college's medical school, alchemical laboratory, and church. This compound houses all the esoteric educative disciplines the Suranthi Military utilizes and values. The Magisterium campus here houses only two schools officially; Domhan and Doietean, that is, Earth and Fire.

GM Note: This is the offical papers of course, as one might expect. In truth a third discipline of the magical arts is taught here for those whom end up showing such potential and inclination. Scath, the art of Shadow.

28 - Ratway Roosts: To hear a lot of locals in tell it, if you know who to ask for, and can ask and answer the right questions, it is in this area of densly packed apartments and houses where one will find a thieves guild operating.


15 - The Foundry: The Foundry, a stadium that can seat some four thousand peoples, is the home pitch of the Suaitheantas Smelters, the city's local SCL team, and defending Suranthi Champions. Like all such arenas and stadiums all manner of other events are put on here during the Caid off season. Shows, circuses, gladiatorial type contests with a variety of captured beasts and creatures, generally put on as an 'open' invitation test for trainees from the Barracks or the Magisterium.

19 - The Prospector's Pit: This well known establishment of good hearty food, stiff drink, and boisterous company is a crowd and traveler favorite, and a favorite among the miners and other tradesfolk. Because of this it is also a favorite among travelers because its a place where one can really get a good read on the pulse of the city. This is the favorite place of one Merrick Felix, the most successful and edge cutting journalist on staff at the Suiathea Herald, the city's weekly paper. He's a well known figure and well liked, and as such, many are willing to share stories or leads with him.

20 - The Loaded Dice: This more seedy, but well loved establishment, gets its name for being well positioned to basically corner the market on legal gambling. It is here that bookies rent out the offices downstairs, and there are at least three consistenly running tables of Caraba being played, money crossing hands all the time. The only place in the city such gambling is legal, and therefore taxed, outside The Foundry itself. Betting on sporting events is so common, The Foundry and this establishment have a two way Magnphone connection used so gamblers whom couldn't get a ticket to an event but wish to stay up to date can get information read out to them by the bookies keeping track of everything and handling the money. It is a uniquely strange place in a dwarven city, yet Gnolundi and his council believe, perhaps rightfully, that letting such a place operate legally does more for reducing criminal elements in combination with strong law enforcement presence, than either option would do alone. Many love coming through here, even tourists, to try their luck a bit, and to eat and drink and be merry. The rooms are quite affordable, as too is the food and drink, as the whole goal is to get you to gamble.

21 - The Rat's Head: This inn and tavern is a bit of a down in the dirt, run down mess, but a favorite for those whom like more rough around the edges, dangerous even, environments. The tavern gets its names for the proprietor, one Arnuk Balvinmac's, favorite trophy he has hanging above the bar from his bounty hunting days. The head of a monstrous Fearcach (Rat-Man), one that was likely the size of an ogre or a troll. Both eyes had been blown out, and reconstructed but the rest of the fur and skull are real, and carefully perserved.

22 - Charcoal's Cookhouse: Not an inn, but a favorite cookhouse, famous across the city. Folk of all social classes and statuses gather here daily at lunch or at dinner time, whether because they are passing by, or its part of their once a week schedule, for the finest fire roasted and smoked meats one can imagine. Every week is a surprise as to what meats you can pick from for you sandwich. Boar, fish, caribou, beef, bird, badger, moose, and the list goes on. The Vrock whom runs it, known as Charcoal, disappears from the city into the tunnels or out into the wilderness down the mountain for the three days at the end of the week every week, presumedly to hunt down the next animal to grace his cookhouse. He's a quiet sort, but is known to own a monstrous bow, almost seven feet in size, and is said to be a truly crack shot by stories spread by a select few whom claim to have witnessed his handiwork. He also has a dog team living in the building with him, five of them, friendly beasts whom love to interact with customers.

23 - Killimac Taphouse: This drinking house is well known as an establishment where one can sample a wide variety of drinks from all across Suranth, and on some occasions, even all across Valerick. Ivar Killimac, the dwarf whom owns the place, is a well known brewer in his own right, and has been in business a long time. The man is head of the local brewer's guild chapter, and loves to run local brewer's, lifting his Guild Brothers and Sisters by getting them 'taste time' by offering deals on their products. His 'barrels of the month' are always from one or two local brewers in Suaitheantas or surrounding villages and towns whom call the Suait Guild halls their 'home hall' whom have made something he's purchased, tasted, and fell in love with. He's been in business for almost a century, so has his methods well established, and is always tasting new things months in advance, having his 'barrels of the month' planned out months in advance.


Suaitheantas is a city built to be a fortress in its own right. The mountain its built in acts as a first layer of defense of course, given there is only one way up, one entrance into the mountain that then splits into two sets of tunnels that eventually lead just outside the city proper, one a tunnel with two sets of rails, the other with two sets of rails and the road that leads in and out of the city. These tunnels are well watched, and rigged to be easily controlled, defended, or if needed, collapsed. Besides this, the third tunnel that doubles back around is the four tracks looping out to continue on their way, reconnecting to the main rail lines outside the mountain to continue heading south into Depenwood, or north back into Suranth.

The next layer of defense is less natural, the walled city itself. The railyard is walled off seperately, as is the Magisterium, Baraz Barracks, and the Barazbarak clanhold. The main city is walled as well, so in total the city is walled in five sections. Every building is built to function, a dwarven style, to turn taking the city into a nightmare of mini sieges and assaults, street by street, building by building. Thick stonework walls, iron reinforced doors, narrow windows, meant as shooting ports and murderholes. The city is very much of a military bent, hence being known as the Shield of Suranth. Though artistic in its own way, their is no visible flair like one would envision. The artistry is instead expressed by the preciseness of the construction, and the subtle designs in the stone carving itself. It can seem very plain or uninspired to an untrained eye, but to the eyes of dwarves or skilled stone masons, there is plenty of beauty and subtle artistry in the highly function oriented construction.


Built inside a valuable mountain at the edge of the Steppes, this city is a difficult place to reach, the terrain around rocky and rough, the road while well patrolled, difficult to traverse. The mountain itself, the caverns within are an ecosystem all their own, connecting and spiderwebbing into the Steppes themselves. Built here, where so many resources can be reached, in this monstrous cavern that connects to the outside lowlands, puts Suaitheantas in direct opposition rather regularly with more organized opposition, including the disgusting Fearcach on occassion, as well as regular raids and attack attempted by the hated Greenskins. Its a big part of where the city gets her nickname, Shield of Suranth, as every so often a mine will need to shut down temporarily, as those tunnels to the west of the city that are being mined become the transit route through which a greenskin horde, or fearcach warband will come from further underground or further to the west from unexplored and unmined tunnels, seeking to press forward and break the shield and spill out.

The chamber itself is always a pleasant temperature compared to the tundra outside, again a boon of the Molt River, and one well appreciated by her citizens.

Natural Resources

35 - Molt River: This river of molten rock, magma, is a valuable natural resource, an important boon to Suaitheantas, for it is used in a surprising variety of ways.

Various edible mushrooms grow wild within the surrounding tunnels near little pools of water or rivulets. Some of these are now cultivated in larger numbers as one should expect. The biggest natural resources the city has access too however, are magma, tacturnium, flashrite, iron and coal. Between these valuable bounties, and utilizing the very stone left for bricks, blocks and stone work of all varieties, the city is quite awash with bountiful resources from the earth itself, much to the benefit and appreciation of all whom live here.


  • Suaitheantas
    Map of the city of Suaitheantas, regional capital of the Broken Fang Province.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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