Cult of the All Seeing Organization in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Cult of the All Seeing

He sees all, he knows what comes, and that it will all end. He can guide us to a happy and more comfortable and blissful end. A place of peace, a place of enjoyment, a place of ease of happiness and life. A place where we will not feel pain, fear death, or fear the end. A place and a time where we will not end in suffering, or before our apex. He offers the true voice and guidance of the past, the present and the future. He knows all and sees all, and entrusts us to enact his machinations to insure a future bereft of suffering, pain, illness or death for all. We are his agents, his tools, and he is the All Seeing, the Eternal, the guide of the future, brought to our past to help lift us from the mortal failings.

Prayer of Release

An ancient cult and order, a subset of worshippers of the Ruin of Ignavia, those whom seem to believe that salvation is in the 'ascension' through disease, and the gifts of Ignavia, that is the ascension to become one of the Restless Dead. They are utterly insane, and this particular branch worship the long fallen idol, the name of the dragon in question which was tainted and twisted by a Nightmare. Its true name has been lost to history, but the title still remains. "The All Seeing". They truly believe this...creature is a demi-god, the Avatar of Rest, and that one day Ignavia will 'bless' them with their 'savior's' return. They are a shadow of what they once were, but their tactics and the damage they did is well known, particularly introducing Fell-Squirms to the region and this material realm. The damage this has done, well it is almost unable to be counted.


This particular cult of Ignavia do not directly worship the dark and ruinous power, but a great champion, the possessed shell of an ancient Primordial Dragon, now known as the All Seeing. Chilengorvanix, the Night Terror within having taken the dragons name, to add insult to injury of having consumed the mighty beasts spirit. This great beast controls his cult through his Fang, the ancient relic that he's left in the care of his cult leader. Tucked away where the majority of the cults more.....twisted and visible members live, in the tainted holy ground of the Kartheartian Church that still stands in the ruins of Fir Hallows. Here is where they keep their slowly growing number of Fell Shamblers, under the watchful guard of half of their number, including a handful of dangerous men and women of a variety of races, not just mere cultists. A magister, for one, along with an outlaw or two, and a small wrecker crew whom hide out here, and occasionally raid fishing vessels or ferries when they are so ordered for loot, supplies or prisoners. The cult hopes to attack Port Tiller in force for their 'god thing' in within the next year.

Their direct numbers are but thirty on the island, including a priest of Ignavia, a vampiric halfling. However he is not in charge. The cult leader is one Dr. Olena Grafwood. The other twenty or so direct members of the cult, as well as their many cultivated zombies are in the Hospice of Lost Minds, though being moved slowly to be controlled by the Shadow Magister Tel'vanik Corvisies Alvindia, the dark elf magister within the cult. He is a powerful magister, and an afflicted magister, a Sloth Shaman to boot. His control of undead is paramount to the plans of the cult, along with Chill's Fang. The Hospice of Lost Minds is their other stronghold of course, for those.....fallen children of the Ascended that serve Chilengorvanix of course. The cult is seeded here and as such, this is where anyones attempt to root them out would begin. But to believe Dr Olena Grafwood is in charge would be foolish. The one in charge of course is the vampire Liandria Velcam, the halfling war-priestess of Ignavia. She has built this organization and dealing with the corrupt doctor would not stop her plans, merely slow them down.

They operate between these two cells, communicating, but keeping seperate missions and objectives. The Asylum is meant to break and recruit, or infect, the weak minded, using Chill's Fang and many other torturous methods. This is their pool of new cultists, and subjects for zombies. Most of the orderlies here are mere cultists, pretending to be orderlies. Two of the nurses are witches, and of the other dozen or so medical staff, two nurses are innocent and though aware enough to see Grafwood as...unconventional and perhaps even breaching acceptable ethics or even some minor laws, they are not fully aware of the depths of horrors occuring within the hidden basement lab under the facility. Besides the fifteen or so orderly cultists, there are also the 'doktors' and 'nurses' and the 'nun' whom offers spiritual guidance to the patients. All of these folk are corrupt as well. The Asylum is their second, lesser base of operations, and though not as well fortified as Fir Hallows, still a dangerous place. Dr Olena Grafwood is in charge here, the third in command of the cult. Mere cultists make up forty of their number between both locations. Besides this, a pair of Sloth Knights operate within this cult, the elite guards of Liandra Velcam. Olena's guards are mere guards, human cultists with guard ranks.


Openly, their face to the public, Olena and the Hospice for Lost Minds, claim to heal the sick and help those whom are far gone. Of course behind close doors....

Public Agenda

Publically Olena, and therefore her medical staff, wish to understand and cure this terrible 'hallucination' illness, that is Icewater Plague or at least figure out a way to protect the folk of Port Tiller by studying and observing patients, and trying to cure them.

Of course this is not the actual truth.


  • Chill's Fang

  • 1 lb of Void Dust (in Fir Hallows)

  • Tainted (heretical) bullets (5, on Olena) for pistol

  • Hospice of Lost Minds

  • Ruins of Fir Hallows

  • Five moderate (15 kgs) barrels of Smokepowder (In Fir Hallows)


Will not fill out because their history is not well known except for the one now dead (for like forty years) witch hunter whom had chased stories of Chill's Fang to try and capture and figure out how to destroy this heretical artifact. Don't wish to write it unless it becomes relevant for a player in the campaign all this will be used in eventually.


Never happened, they just went to ground.

We are the lucky, the well guided. We are those whom will rest in bliss.

Founding Date
Alternative Names
Cultists of Sloth, Cultists of Ignavia
Ignavian Cultists
Parent Organization
Manufactured Items
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Jul 15, 2021 18:21 by William Belley

the trope of the evil hospice is always one i like as i feel it's a good option since most establishments of this kind, people tend to not like going there unless they need to.   It's mentionned they 'went to ground', so it means they have been annihiliated ? If so, is there a specific cause of their demise, or an organisation ?   Happy Summercamp!

Jul 16, 2021 01:24 by Keon Croucher

Its believed they went to ground, and since this is for a campaign I wish to write it that way, as the campaign is one of a Witch-Hunter and his 'hired help' whom he hasn't told....everything about the job. He eventually will know all this, so I wrote this as I wanted that player to read {He doesn't follow my World Anvil so I can basically copy paste in bits and pieces for him as he uncovers it all} But this is about all he can uncover through non confrontational means and that's if he is like TOP TIER in his investigating efforts, and rolls AMAZING :) So I wrote it in a style that insures I know how much I am willing to tell him without direct confrontation, the rest is in secrets unfortunately, and until he and his merry band of....hired but ill informed {and therefore ill prepared} help move into direct confrontational information gathering, the rest of that will remain secret from all you unfortunately. Cause though he doesn't follow me on World Anvil and has agreed to not even search my username or world name...just in case I'd rather keep it hidden. On the off chance it were to somehow find its way to him lol

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Jul 16, 2021 02:29 by William Belley

that's a good plan in preparations for game, and handy for players keeping notes ! hopefully it goes well