Ashe C2 Episode 41 - On the road to the Great Tree Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Ashe C2 Episode 41 - On the road to the Great Tree

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow…
In the trading post of Rollus you all returned to the taverns to celebrate the rescue of Trick Redfern and Archamemnon and the slaying of the white dragon. Wes, still feeling uneasy about the wanted poster you saw earlier in the day, retired to the Blue Brazier to hunker down and craft some arrows. In the common room you saw the famous adventuring team San Cisco gambling on an illusory table battle.
Unbeknownst to you however were the two private investigators traveling with San Cisco. Catching their looks out of the corner of your eye you quickly grabbed your things and leapt out the window climbing the building. These investigators were dogged in their pursuit however. Nuth Welker ran after you and demanded an interview. Demiai, the Druid, however tried a more subtle approach, she asked a pigeon nearby to look for the escaping Ranger.
Seeing his pursuers closing, Wes leapt off the Inn rooftop and sprinted towards the tavern on the other side of the street. Nuth and Demaia gave chase and rushed in after him. Running out of the back door Wes fired off a smoke arrow to lose his tail. With the two investigators confused in the smoke screen, Wes tried some diplomacy. A strange often violent series of talks ensued. In an attempt to explain why he couldn't possibly be the murderer, Wes accidentally murdered Nuth Welker, blinding him and throwing him off of a roof.
Somehow the three came to an accord and an uneasy truce. The investigators decided to travel with the team to keep an eye on their quarry, in response the team decided to prove his innocence.
With that out of the way the team awoke the next morning and decided on your next course of action. You decided to return the strange beetle from the DarkFae, to the Great Tree in the Opan Forest. Bon Vee rented a carriage to take you all south towards the Forest Realms.  He pulled forth a giant goat from his strange bag to pull it. Unfortunately 24 hours later when the goat blinked out of existence Demaia was convinced to use her wild shape to pull the carriage. Now near the southern end of the Dagger Cat Pass, out of wild shapes, and giant goats the team was stranded.
A voice was heard up on the ledge, and the acolyte of Electra, Charmayne Daedalus had sprung her trap.

Plot points/Scenes

In the rocky foothills of the Southern Dagger Cat Pass the woman screamed at Mausim with a wicked grin. From both sides of the pass two icy demons with gnashing teeth charged you. She also has employed to strange mercenaries to strike at you while she rained down fire from above. The battle has become an exhange of ice and fire as the two ice demons began to exhale icy sprays of spittle and one of the mercenaries began tossing fire bombs.
You all watched as Mausim Charged the woman known as Charmayne Daedalus Sheathing his sword in the process. Having seen him charge this attack before you expected the fireworks to start shortly. With that you returned your attention to the threats across from you. Nuth, you and Wes check back on Mausim and see Daedalus move her hands in a swift back and forth moment. Nuth, with your magical training, you immediately recognize a Dimension Door open up and swallow Mausim.
She laughs in triumph and begins to retreat from the ledge she was standing on!   [DM Note: Where is Mausim? Electra has moved him to an ancient Mausoleum. She intends to open a tomb that can only be opened by the blood of Encealadus Calwyn. She attacks him with undead creatures and magical traps. The undead should reflect ancient warriors or figures that prominently figured in Calwyn's life during the Human Elven Wars. She is trying to open the sarcophagus of Calwyn's wife, Hemma Fiorentine. She was entombed with a necklace of great power. TBD!]
Now we return to the battle still in progress! We are at the top of the round.
[DM Note: Have Archos' hand activate during the first battle. Have him make a Wisdom Saving Throw DC 15. If he fails it deals 2d6 necrotic damage to anyone within 15 ft of him. This also Heals Archos the same amount.]
With Daedalus now gone the two mercenaries are confused and angry.  She has left them in the middle of combat, especially with two strange ice demons that are not under their control.  They will begin to converse with each other in more and more panicked tones as they try to extricate themselves from the current situation as the tide of battle turns. They can provide the following information:  They were contracted to take Mausim Prisoner and kill his companion.  The description was of a tall blue skinned man wearing strange armor.  The rest of the party and their wide array of abilities took the two mercenaries by surprise.  They were to accompany Daedalus to Warshaw and then accept their payment and be on their way.  They also have two horses tied up not too far down the road. 
Bortuga the Chain - A Tortle Barbarian and a strong dangerous mercenary.  His attacks are modeled after Roadhog from Overwatch, he wields a massive chain weapon and carries a strong health drug in a pouch that he huffs during battle.  He is from the Surazoic forest of Ventenheim.  His tribe was a disparate group of misfits that followed the way of Thunder.  Barbarians who believe all things must be taken by force.
Rendel Spark - A goblin with a penchant for explosives.  He is also a mercenary that often works with Bortuga.  They were both hired by Charmayne after her defeat in the forest just outside of Ashe.  He is from the city of Serpico in Ventenheim.  He grew up on the streets and learned how to make explosives form a sailor who took him on as an apprentice.  Her name was Jinx.
Bortuga and Spark were working a smash and grab job in Allachi when Charmayne Daedalus showed up.  She paid them 250 gp each to accompany her in search of Mausim.  Now she has


Shrine to Oppapan
[DM Note: As the team figures out their travel plans to continue south they will camp at a ancient Shrine. The shrine is to the great forest Spirit Oppapan.]
With the travel plans hammered out you all continue your journey down the Stonemarke Road.  One of the longest roads on the continent it is often paved with large flat circular stones.  Every few miles it is marked with small waist high obelisks carved of grey stone with small glowing mile markers on them.  The craftwork is clearly dwarven and the Dwarves of Stoneport often claim that their ancestors are responsible for it. 
The weather is quite pleasant with a bright blue cloudless sky above and temperatures in the 70s f. The day goes by rather quickly and your thoughts turn to your compatriot Mausim who has been spirited away. 
Have Demaia and Truffle each have connected dreams that night that involve them being visited by the great Dryad. Druids have a shared dreaming space that is traveled by all animals, birds, and insects. Only Druids get to travel this dreamworld with them. The Druid dreamspace is a strange demiplane that is safe for all animals and devoid of civilization and the bipedal races. It is called Thra' Oneiros.



Grantebridge Strahan -
[DM Note: Grantebridge has been scrying on the team and will set up a trap for them. He is using a river crossing as his battle field and has set up archers and cavalry to hem them in. He is quite aware of their array of abilities. He has also brought along quite a bit of Hell hornet poison to use as well.]
As you keep moving down the Stonemarke Road towards the great tree you see two riders up ahead. As they approach you see that their steeds are standard calvalry chargers, they look fast and agile and well trained. As they get eyes on all of you, they exchange a few words and then turn their horses. You watch as they gallop away the way they came.
  • Corporal Revis Damago - Human man, large scar on his chin, black hair.  From Copenhaus
  • Sergeant Talasco Brigg - Half Orc man, younger with a black ponytail.


On the Road Elven Refugees.
  These Elves have left the Inorh Forest in fear for their lives.  They claim that their families were murdered by the Vampire of Duzreldann. The city of Duzreldann is in the southeastern portion of the Forest Realms.  An elven warlord name Rakovonarr has begun to amass holdings deep in the eastern regions of the Forest Realms.  So far the Elven kings and Queens have instituted a policy of appeasement, allowing Rakovonarr to keep any current land if pledges not to leave the Inorh region.
Many elves who have fled the region are telling tales of Rakovonarr's strange powers and bloodlust.  Several of these groups are former noblemen and women who refused to bend the knee to the warlord.  They went north towards the Opan Forest looking for sanctuary but the many settlements of that region are Green Elves who have little love for the wealthy soft hands of the spoiled high elves.  The discrimination of the Green Elves has been going on for a millenia.  
These particular refugees are:
  • Marquess Vidolon Thelypteris
  • His Wife Deserai Poliphyte Thelypteris
  • Their Son Tredlin Vidolon Thelpyteris
  • Their valet, a half elven man Nimbor Ucholos
The man known as Wes, a Ranger of the Ashen Forest, Known murderer and larcenous thief.
  • Accused of seven brutal slashings in the City of Stoneport.
  • Accused of the murder of Baron Harken Quail of Allachi. Hung by the neck at the city square.
  • Accused of brutally slaying the lower minister of Hellenox, Reccip Nuxhall and his wife. Run through with a broadsword.
  • Accused of theft of several thousand gold worth of jewels and equipment from the city of Stoneport.
  • Accused of Grand Larceny in the city of Helletowne, including several trained horses.
Current Date : The Year SF3, 3028 the month of Ventel (June)
Completion Date


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