Ret Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 50K   RELIGION: Farang Paganism   ETHNIC GROUPS: Ekstru, Veiq   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Daþwahrlu - 45K / Strvingydh - 5K   CURRENCY: Skima (0.2, D)   TOWNS: Haravageneglen, Thodwinda   VILLAGES: Fuddin, Mudir, Knectasbode, Yyendesbludh, Krindeckt, Suhande, Hals Morech, Yar, Johollond, Shrutplenn   Notable Features: Irfast Isle / Thygr's Cove / Kyale (Cold) Cove
  Excluding Criamon-Sothet's glacial sheets and the nearby floating ice cubes which residents charitably call the Arlean Isles, Ret is the most northerly point in all Arlok that is also a proper nation. Its elevation of course makes it sparsely populated, with little traffic in or out.   Its primary residents, the Ekstru, are the only Daþwahrlu-speaking ethnicity anywhere and on account of this, a few Speakers live here, keen to document what they regard as a dying tongue. According to the Ekstru, Daþwahrlu was once the lingua franca of the Realm of Klar Bimment, and there is evidence to suggest this may be so, despite that the kingdom’s ancient borders are mostly found within present-day Bimmentok. It is known that the Realm once extended much further north into Ret and beyond, and on account of this there are many ruins that dot the landscape to this day, which draw a small share of scholarly types to visit. The two largest towns, Thodwinda and Haravageneglen (say that five times fast!) are both built around crumbling castles from this ancient period, though their fortifications are hardly necessary given the near lack of large-scale conflict in the region. Overall the Ekstru are a highly community-oriented group and regard each other with much kindness and hospitality. There is a small Veiq minority here, with ties to Criamon-Sothet, and they are generally accepted into the social fold as well. Both groups follow Farang Paganism and practice a profoundly shamanic slant on the tradition.   Irfast Isle has only one small settlement, Hals Morech. The rest of its landmass is largely frozen over, although discoveries of arrowheads and other small items suggest it was once home to a thriving population. The area from Thygr’s Cove to Kyale Cove is indeed thought to have formed a land bridge to the mainland, so it is possible there are many other secrets kept by the chill waters.

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