Ek Jad Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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Ek Jad

POPULATION: 4 MILLION   RELIGION: Huw Jdeb   ETHNIC GROUPS: Jaadi, Dengun   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Jaadi - 3.5M / Qilaphma - 300K / Hal Tikwa - 200K   CURRENCY: Sulkhei (0.8, S)   CAPITAL: Gashif (Sufma)
  Resting amidst the unforgiving sands of the vast desert continent of Pendahar, the kingdom of Ek Jad weaves a tale of strength, decline, and unwavering resilience. Once a mighty empire, the kingdom under the enlightened rule of the Shiith'e Dynasty illuminated the corners of the world, extending its tendrils of civilization to the island nation of Yei and the mainland countries of Sassam and Najamur. Its profound influence in fields like mathematics, astronomy, and music resonated far and wide, etching the Jaadi legacy deep into the annals of history.   Basi, Chus, Sufma, and Tacha, the four distinct regions of Ek Jad, each contributed to the kingdom's vibrant tapestry. From the mystifying Tower of Al'Sharr in Basi to the sparkling Jawo'qi Star Desert in Sufma, from the lush Emerald Oasis of Chus to the rugged Ghul's Pass of Tacha, these lands enriched the kingdom's cultural and geographical panorama.   Yet, the sands of time never cease to shift, and the once indomitable Ek Jad faced a harsh reversal of fortune. The rising Uvan Empire, from the distant continent of Tyril, courted Ek Jad's vassal states, Sassam and Najamur, promising them the sweet fruit of independence. Their alliance marked the onset of Ek Jad's decline, as even Yei broke away, leaving the kingdom but a shadow of its former glory.   In the face of adversity, however, the spirit of the Jaadi people remained unbroken. Battered but not defeated, the kingdom licked its wounds, its pride intact, its will indomitable. The old religion of Huw Jdeb continues to grant succor to those in need, and the nation looks to the Sky God for guidance during hard times.   Today, Ek Jad stands humbled yet unyielding, a symbol of perseverance under the relentless Pendaharut sun. Its golden age may be a tale of the past, but the kingdom is far from defeated. In the heart of the desert, it prepares to rise again, embodying the resilience and tenacity of the desert itself. Unexpected help towards this end is given by the Dengun people, a minority group with roots in Qildab. Their mercantile talents have bolstered Ek Jad's chances of returning to a state of economic prosperity.

Seal of the Kyessi

Articles under Ek Jad

Cover image: The Theban Necropolis (2007-05-512) by Argenberg


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