Veridis Settlement in Taeva | World Anvil
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Veridis (VEH-rih-dis)

Located deep within the forests of the southern Elderwood, Veridis serves as the capital of the Wood Elf kingdom of Ly'syr. Due to being located so close to the Cernai Tribes, this city has played host to a number of Cernai alongside its Elven residents, which played a major role in the cities development. Despite its generally isolated nature, its place as the seat of power for the Wood Elf King/Queen, as well as the wealth of knowledge on nature magic at its disposal, ensures that Veridis is able to alongside the greatest cities of the Elven Kingdoms.


The population of Veridis is almost exclusively made up of Wood Elves and Cernai, with occupations being divided between farmers, foragers, hunters, rangers, and scholars/Druids.


Veridis is directly ruled over by the current King/Queen, with the local Elders providing council.


Veridis has a wall of magically strengthened and shaped wood surrounding it, which can be staffed with lookouts during times of conflict. During an attack, the cities defenders will make use of the surrounding forest to harass the invaders, striking at key targets in hit-and-run attacks.

Industry & Trade

Veridis trades with the other cities of Ly'syr, as well as the nearby Cernai Tribes and Human kingdoms.


Veridis a network of dirt roads running throughout the city, and connecting it with the other settlements throughout Ly'syr and the nearby Cernai Tribes. Additionally, there's a large clearing in the centre of the city, near the palace, that serves as a gathering place for trade and important occasions.


Veridis has access to plentiful farming space and wood for crafting, and has a respectable repository of knowledge related to nature magic, as well as the various creatures tied to it.


The buildings of Veridis are predominantly constructed from wood, often shaped into their current forms through magic, and are "built" in the common graceful style found in other Elvish structures, with artistic elements resembling the natural world woven in. Additionally, all of the cities structures are constructed in such a way as to avoid disrupting the natural world around them, often being incorporated into the surrounding nature.


Veridis lies deep within the southern Elderwood, and is surrounded by tall trees, with a river just beyond the walls to the west.

Natural Resources

Veridis has plentiful access to wood and land for cultivating plants.
Location under
Owning Organization


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