Ràbiseu Kingdom Organization in Starstruck | World Anvil

Ràbiseu Kingdom

Tràyalià knows our pasts and futures, weaves the tapestry of fate for us all. Why would she not know the best ruler for our country? Your ineptitude is foretold, brother, and I am the true monarch.
— Queen Yaviwʀu Ràbiseu, 476 AD
Small human country along the north-east coast of Yatràpà Continent. Chilly and rainy, Ràbiseu Kingdom is most well-known for being ruled by a long line of Marked monarchs. Should a heir not awaken the Pažo Mark by the age of 16, they are disinherited and a search is called for the 'true ruler.'

Foreign Relations

Ràbiseu Kingdom only truly interacts with Vutteisia, their closest neighbors. The two are friendly, and trade ironwork for Ràbiseu's cloth.

Agriculture & Industry

While not as prolific as Rubefià Empire to their south, Ràbiseu Kingdom boasts fairly decent soil. More importantly, Ràbiseu has higher amounts of earth attuned human mages. These mages have passed down techniques for maintaining soil and produced more crops. Thus, each year the kingdom produces a slight excess of crops, enough to trade with neighbors.
The main crops grown include wheat and potatoes, though more potatoes than wheat. Their fisheries aren't as developed, but bring in decent catches each year.
Animal husbandry, such as sheep in the highlands, is their main export. Cloth made in their villages is traded across eastern Yatràpà coast and into the Koni Mountains.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Official State Religion
The Marked
Condition | Dec 7, 2018

Blessing (or Curse) from the Stars

Varnenda Highlands
Geographic Location | Oct 22, 2018

The Quiet Hills


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