Painel pyeno Buyke

voi strumi boiyke,
sayey strumi nyene.
  voi nyenelizo tuen jo.
sayey bwulil mil mupi jo.
  kwu muluin meyializo mil,
da no teinege faruil.
Sun or stars, dark or light.

The sun lights each day.
The stars guide each night.

But the moon reminds us,
that nothing is eternal.

Painel pyeno Buyken is an old poem from Vutteisia by the poet and philosopher Pyel Trumeyu in 108 BD, only 16 years after the Starfall. Trumeyu was born before the Starfall, and was only eight when it began. As a result, Trumeyu spent most of his childhood and adolescence ill from the Mana Deficiency that swept the continent in the early years of the Starfall.

Pyel latched on to fading childhood memories from before things went wrong, and went on to write many poems about the differences between the two ages. Of his poems, Painel pyeno Buyke is one of his most famous and was popular even in the south. The poem was popular due to the religious symbolism used being neutral and not leaning too heavily on any of the three gods, and also the melancholic tone used resonated with people at the time. The peaceful times before the Starfall were gone, and his view of the waning of peace was a fact.

Trumeyu's writings, including this poem, experienced a comeback several centuries later with the publishing of a book of local folk tales called Sialuel Kiyei and Other Tales. This book caused a resurgence in Trumeyu's poems, especially Painel pyeno Buyken which became a favorite in RubefiĆ .

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Jul 30, 2018 02:00 by Ashleigh D.J. Cutler

I like how you have the "original" and the translation side by side, as well as the historical significance. I enjoyed the nod to the book as well. Nicely done.

Jul 30, 2018 02:14 by Mint

Thank you! I'm glad the 'translation' worked, it was the main goal for me on this article.

Jul 30, 2018 02:27 by Ashleigh D.J. Cutler

Quite welcome. :)

Jul 30, 2018 02:35

A short but evocative poem. It seems able to be applied to multple things, or have multiple meanings, if there are any hidden meanings. At the same time it reminds me of a funeral saying, possibly for a viking funeral, or a space funeral as they cask drifts off into the night.

Jul 30, 2018 03:05 by Mint

Thank you! I was worried that the poem didn't evoke enough, but I guess I was just staring at it too long! I wouldn't be surprised if this poem was applied to funerals, it definitely suits the mood.

Jul 30, 2018 04:24

Has great cultural background and great info on the poet as well. The poem is short, but perfect for the story behind it.

Jul 30, 2018 04:39 by Mint

Thank you! I'm glad you like it!