Zetauri II

Holopedia Galactica entry:

The second planet in orbit around the primary of the Zetauri system is known by its designation, Zetauri II. This world is similar to Zetauri I in that it's a rocky world with an inhospitable surface. However, the similarities end there.
Zetauri II's very weak magnetic field has made it a victim to the solar winds from the primary star of the system. As a result, the solar winds have been stripping away parts of the atmosphere for ages. What remains is a thin, toxic shroud with acid clouds that roam the world like malevolent ghosts eager for a victim. The latter is the most notable reason why this mountainous, rocky world has not been a focus of the Mining Guild.
However, rumors persist among smugglers about hidden caverns on Zetauri II that was an attempt to set up a smuggler's 'Shadow Port'. As the story goes, the effort failed, but the ruins still exist and are used, on occasion, as a location to stash illicit cargo temporarily.


Zetauri II is a world of majestic red-gold mountains, rolling hills and valleys cut by rivers and streams. That does not begin to describe the nightmare environment of the planet itself. It has no moon or other orbiting bodies. The world itself is not tidal locked like Zetauri I. This world has a rotational period of 27 galactic standard hours for a local "day" and 104 days in its year.
The world is two-thirds larger than its neighbor, Zetauri I, at 12,400 km in diameter. Mountains and rolling hills cover the landscape across twelve continents. All of them are comprised of swirling band of metal ores that glint in the reddish light of the primary star. Non-metallic minerals are eroded away by the atmospheric conditions of the world and carried in the 20 kilometer high dust storms that wander the planet's surface.
There is water on Zetauri II and in many places it is so clear that an observer could see the bottom of the river, pond or other body of water. However, the water is not as innocent as it seems. The water is highly toxic. Mineral erosion, combined with the acidic dust storms, have contaminated the water to the point that it is an effective poison, if not a mild acid in its own right.
The red color of the mountains and other geologic formations is due to the extreme iron and copper that exists close to the surface. More copper and silver are exposed at the poles. Yet, the dust storms, driven by 50 kilometer per hour winds, make the world too dangerous to mine.
From orbit, at first glance, it appears there is plant life growing alongside the rivers and streams of the world. However, this isn't the case. What appears to be plants are crystal deposits that grow in tree-like shapes due to the dust storms.
When one of the acidic dust storms pass over one of these crystal forest, they leave mineral deposits behind. Many of the crystal trees do succumb to the winds and abrasion of the dust. Those that survive gain a layer of protection until the most geometric sound structures remain to form this 'forest'. Some of these glittering crystal forests stretch for hundreds of kilometers on many of the landmasses.

Fauna & Flora

As might be expected, there is no life of any kind on Zetauri II. Native or otherwise. The environment is too hostile to support anything longer than a brief visit between weekly storms.

by CB Ash
Location under
Owning Organization


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