Zetauri I

Holopedia Galactica entry:

The innermost planet of the Zetauri system is a tidal locked world of rock surrounded by a corrosive atmosphere. Despite its location, as an innermost world, the planet has an unusually strong magnetic field. Reports from the original expedition to the Zetauri system recorded that the magnetic field was strong enough to affect any space faring craft that entered orbit.
This doesn't mean it would pull the ship or drone from orbit. However, it would affect the craft's ability to leave orbit, cutting its velocity and thruster capacity in half.


The surface of Zetauri I is a lifeless world submerged under a layered, corrosive atmosphere hundreds of kilometers deep. The world itself is 8,500 km in diameter but with a dense mass and metal core. As mentioned, the world is tidal locked to its primary with its year being 41 galactic standard days. It has no moons or other satellites of any kind.
For its size, the world possesses a magnetic field stronger than a small planet of its size should have. Measurements of the field put it on par with many smaller gas giants. Based on the measurements and observations of the original exploration team, this is why the world retains its atmosphere despite its proximity to the primary star of the system. The planet's natural magnetic field acts like a a giant defense shield.
No droid or living creature has, or could, set foot on the world. The atmosphere is too corrosive and the pressure at the surface is too high. However, sensor measurements estimate the small planet to have a standard gravity comfortable to most sapient life forms, if they could survive the environment.

Fauna & Flora

Despite the unforgiving conditions on the world, life does exist on Zetauri I. More accurately, it exists in the atmosphere. At the mid-band, sulfuric layer of the atmosphere live and exist an aerial ecosystem comprised of various primitive life forms. These range from shrimp like creatures to colonies of algae and other organisms that use chemosynthesis to derive nutrients from the surrounding mineral-rich atmosphere. Then there are the larger, more carnivorous species that feed on the floating Zetauri shrimp and algae clouds for nutrition.

Natural Resources

Sensor records from the original survey team indicate the planet's surface, and its atmosphere, are mineral rich. However, these are combined in such a corrosive soup, it would cost more to extract the natural resources than the minerals would be worth.

desert planet
by CB Ash
Location under
Owning Organization


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