Sovereign Geographic Location in Sovereign; The Lost Kingdom | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by MacT09

The strange figure speaks to you as if all of these events have already happened."A dome, yes a strange dome has been spotted on the many horizons of desire and pain. A floating monument of cold stone and metal floats within The Eternus, defying all choice as wave after wave pounds and wails into Sovereign's outer shell. The dome itself seems stationary, a smooth monument devoid of all change and growth. Chaos and order clash here as the waves try to multiply themselves into Sovereign's inner sanctums, yet I wonder if this Lost Kingdom is as ordered as its outer shell appears to be? There's a quiet aura surrounding Sovereign's dome wall, a deafening silence in an ocean of chaos stands uninterrupted. So quiet, and so peaceful, yet Sovereign's peaceful nature seems different from what many would consider truly blissful. No, Sovereign’s peace is accompanied by something else, yes something much darker than what these bland walls depict into our minds. A certain seductiveness is present within the chilled, metal walls of Sovereign despite visually appearing so dull and inactive. Some kind of smell emerges in the darkness, a faint odor that is pleasing to the heart that senses it, while others do not smell, but instead hear the faint sounds of laughter and joy pulsating within Sovereigns very walls. Still, some adventurers experience pain as they touch Sovereign's freezing dome, a vice to some depending on the desires of one's heart. Whatever this aura is, it is simply irresistible, we must go on. As we venture to what some may consider the bottom of the dome, structures begin to appear above the glacial walls of Sovereign, revealing an awesome, yet simultaneously gloomy sight to behold. A city unveils itself before us, for the aura is stronger now, pulsating within my soul. It invites us to come in, this empty ruin of stone and blizzard. A shallow kingdom stands before us, and within it, seven distinct borders emerge from its base. Circular walls separate seven districts of Sovereign, each as cold and foreboding as the outer dome itself. Our power is limited here, for we cannot simply skip over the walls or teleport where we wish. No, the city demands that we venture through its streets directly, obscuring any shortcuts that may or may not be present from our hearts. Do we dare press on then, knowing that our wills are being stifled as we simply gaze upon Sovereign's gloomy outer wall? Ah, the call pulses again, pushing us forward towards the inner sanctum that has opened up before us. The city calls to us, bringing with it so many promises. I can't resist, we must go on. Onward then, towards the kingdom that sits before us. Let us discover its secrets and experience Sovereign's hidden pleasures. Oh, the aura is even stronger now, beckoning us to take our first steps into the bowels of Sovereign itself. Still, the question remains, why is The Lost Kingdom so empty? Where is everyone?"


"Seven rings, yes seven indeed. Do you see them, those metal walls circling just outside of what seem to be seven districts in this lost world? It's so cold here, yet no snow falls to the ground. The snow itself is grey as if polluted by both toxin and filth. There is no wind, yet it feels like a blizzard. Something stirs in the silence, something different from wind or rain, a terrible feeling that is strangely intoxicating. Seven rings call within the silence itself as if the silence was somehow alive. Each call is different, beckoning our deepest and truest desires to be brought forth and examined. When we inevitably take our first steps into Sovereign's inner sanctum lights suddenly appear in the distance, or at least that it was I see. So dim they are these blue flames that flicker just beyond the first ring. Do we dare step foot into the first ring already, not knowing the true nature of this place? Oh, but how can we really know unless we take a chance and see what lies just beyond the stone doors that rumble open before us. Strange, it's warmer now as if the ice itself shrinks back from what lurks inside those crumbling doors. I can feel it again, the aura that invited us here beckons us once more, how delightful it is. Beseech us, oh aura of dream and promise. Guide us forward through the rings that await us. I step forward with perhaps the most obvious question that can be conjured into words in this moment of excitement and thrill, what lies at the heart of this frigid, crumbling kingdom?"

Fauna & Flora

"Just like the people, both trees and flowers are absent from Sovereign’s gates. Before we decided we scanned the horizon before us, seeing only metal and stone, covered in frozen smog masquerading as frigid snow. There is no trace of anything, just nothing. I have seen dead realms in my past travels, but this dreary kingdom carries a unique feeling of emptiness that I have not experienced or felt before. What are you hiding, oh the Lost Kingdom of eternal night?"

Natural Resources

"Initially Sovereign appears to be a cold and barren place, with only the cod stone and metal to keep you company. But how can this be so? Wouldn't a supposed thriving kingdom have access to a wider array of resources and, well anything really. The streets and buildings seem so desolate, devoid of even a hint of debris or waste. Frozen rivers appear to have once flowed throughout Sovereign’s districts at one point, but even those are empty. Strangely you would think that the water would just be frozen within the aqueducts many channels, yet upon further investigation, we find no water at all. It's all gone, everything, it's just...gone. Still despite the emptiness that surrounds us, echoes of other waves bellow in the distance. Solace,Hacienda, and Oculus whisper in the shadows of Sovereigns walls. I wonder why these waves feel connected to this place?"


  • Sovereign's Inner Voice
    A bleak, cold sphere hovers before wanting eyes in search of adventure and discovery into a world that cannot be known. A hidden whisper reveals Frozen stone fading away as desire itself reveals an inner webbing of possibility. Strange letters are given to you through seven gates that reveal parts of a journey that has happened many times before and after this point in time. Which gate calls out depends upon the heart that sees Sovereign's potential inner form.
Alternative Name(s)
The Seven Rings
Dimensional plane

Cover image: Sovereign by Tyler Berthoff


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