
Princess Vespula Yellow-Jacket, XIII (a.k.a. Ves)

"Bugs die. We're not special. You're better off not getting to attached to anyone."
Ves is the ex-queen of the Wasp Hive and the only remaining heiress to the hive, but is currently wandering around alone after rejecting her position.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ves is a yellow jacket miinu with dark grey skin and eyes. She is on the taller side for miinu, due to being a 'queen' yellow jacket, who tend to be taller than their worker counterparts. She has short, choppy hair that was hastily cut off with a knife, leaving it quite messy and uneven in places.   As a wasp Miinu she has thin clear wings on her back and a large black & yellow tail equipped with a venomous singer. Two antennae poke out from her hair, with a thinner base and a thicker segment at the end.

Special abilities

Ves is a yellow jacket wasp which means she has a stinger that can not only stab enemies, but inject a poison that causes pain to the user. Her saliva also has this poison in it, so she is able to dose her sword in poisonous saliva to give her attacks extra punch. Enough of this poison can completely knock out a miinu.

Apparel & Accessories

Ves dresses more masculine than other Queens. She tends to wear a loose, half black, half yellow button down shirt with mismatched suspender colors to match, which hook to orange trousers. She has a matching overcoat that she'll wear when it's colder. Alternatively, when training or fighting, she'll wear a tight yellow turtle-nick crop top, and black pants.

Specialized Equipment

Ves has a rapier forged from a nail that she uses as her primary weapon. She refers to it as her 'stinger' despite having a natural stinger already.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ves was hatch as one of two twin Princesses of the Yellow Jacket Hive, her sister being named Vee. They grew up together as grubs and even though all of her hive were siblings, the two were as close as real siblings could be. While Ves was often rowdy and got in trouble, her more practical and well mannered sister was always there to reign her in. Ves trusted Vee with all of her most personal secrets and feelings.   Then, as they both grew older, they began training with swords in preparation for their adult forms, which had to be strong and fit for fighting. Queen Vespula, was less of a motherly figure, and more of a cruel authority figure, even to the young queens. She was stern teacher who demanded perfection from the girls, as she did all of the workers and warriors. Vee picked up on the lessons well, and was an impressive fighter, meanwhile Ves was reckless, impatient, and clumsy. This earned her frequent physical punishment from the Queen.  
Warning: The following involves themes of violence, death, and sexual abuse.
Show spoiler
When the both of them hit their Metamorphosis Day and became adult wasps, they were hit with the awful truth of their training. There could only be one heir to the thrown, and one Queen, and Vespula, ever the traditionalist, believed they should carry on the tradition of a fight to the death between young queens, so that only the strongest would come out on top to represent the hive. This came as a shock to Ves, who was never told about this, but somehow, Vee seemed not at all surprised by this turn of events. In the moments leading up to the fight, Vee become cold towards Ves, seeing her as an opponent to be bested in the ring.   The day of the fight came, and thought Ves tried to ditch it altogether, she was caught by guards before she could. She knew going in that she wouldn't survive it, Vee was so much better than she was. But she certainly wasn't going to roll over and die like a worm either. She was determined to fight to her last breath. As the fight began, her fears were realized, as she could barely hold up against her sisters swordsmanship skills. She was fighting a losing battle. But when Vee saw the fear of death in Ves's eyes, a small moment of empathy washed over to her. She stopped her assault and waited for Ves to strike her. Ves was confused and conflicted, but with a ravenous crowd watching her, she swung her sword at Vee. Vee fought just enough to not make it obvious she was letting Ves win, and with one finale strike... her head rolled to the floor.   Ves had won the fight and become the heir to the hive. While everyone celebrated her victory, she was numb, having taken the life of the person closest to her with her own sword. For a while, Ves fell in line with her role as upcoming Queen, her former rebelliousness drowned out by loneliness and grief. She wore the long hair like her sisters, donned the elegant clothes, attended political meetings. It wasn't until some drones from another hive arrived that things changed.   The Hive was visited by several foreign drones wanting to court the new Queen and be her king. At first they were polite, if not a bit full of themselves, but when they began drinking, they become more brazen. One of the Princes of the Paper Wasp hive would get too drunk and eventually pin her to the wall and try to assault her. Ves defended herself by killing the drone with her sword, slicing him in twain in front of the whole party.   This not sent the hive in a panic, as the murder of a hive royal was considered treason an act worthy of war. Rather than defending her daughter for her actions, her mother demonized her in front of the whole hive, resulting in the two of them getting into a nasty fight that resulted in Ves being banished from the Hive.
  After being banished from the Hive, Ves found herself living on her own in hand crafted nests strewn about The Grotto and hunting for her own food, and in desparate situations, stealing some supplies from the Grotto's food storage.


Despite one of her primary duties as Queen is producing offspring, Ves does not like men. She was never too thrilled about them before, but after her unsavory encounter with drones in the past, she as not been able to trust them either. In reality she doesn't want to be a baby factory at all, so she prefers women.


Like most colony Miinu, Ves had a home education inside the hive, where she learned about the history of their people and trained to hunt and fight.

Mental Trauma

She grieves her sister, her only true companion who she had to slay for the unfair monarchy system her hive ran on. She blames herself for the death the most, believes herself to be unworthy of being that close to anyone ever again, and after her traumatizing encounter with a Drone Prince, she can barely trust anyone to get that close either.

Morality & Philosophy

Ves was raised with the hive mentality of everything you do should be for the hive. However when she became disillusioned with hive culture, she took on a more selfish, self sufficient attitude, where she didn't need anyone but herself. She has to slowly unlearn this in order to properly protect the people she cares about.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Ves likes savory food like roasted meats, though she doesn't like to admit she has a small sweet tooth for honey. She's easily won over by food. She also enjoys exorcise and sparring with other fighters.   She dislikes parties and dancing, especially if there's alcohol involved. She won't touch the stuff.  


Ves is abrasive, aggressive and a loner. She doesn't like getting close to people or being in friendly social situations, often closing herself off from others. She's quick to anger and very defensive. She is not afraid to get into a fight with someone she feels has wronged her, and she's quite skilled in a fight. She's a self sufficient survivalist and tends to be a bit selfish with her supplies and belongings.   She has a jaded world view and won't sugarcoat things around people, and tends to be rather blunt and harsh.   She can be won over with food and kindness will slowly chip away at her hard shell. When she does open up she's incredibly passionate and loyal to a fault.


Family Ties

She is a royal colony miinu, however she has separated herself from her family a long time ago, and no longer likes being referred to by her former status. She's resigned herself to never seeing her hive again and being better off for it. She has no intention of starting a hive of her own, which is unheard of for Queens who leave their hives.


Ves can be off putting to most people. She comes off as cold, rude, and overly aggressive, so a lot of Miinu are scared of her right off the bat. She rarely smiles and often has a scowl on her face. She tends to stand in a way that makes her look tough and imposing.




Towards Symon Cantillo


Symon Cantillo


Towards Ves



Symon met Ves when he and Aniso accidently caused her nest to be destroyed while searching for missing Miinu in the abandon house. While Aniso was quick to offer her a new place to stay, Symon was off put by her.   Ves was initially quite mean to Symon, sensing him as a weak, timid man, but over time got to know him more and began to feel a bit bad for him. She could even empathize with his complicated relationship with his family. The two slowly grow closer as they travel together to return the Fossil Stone.

Relationship Reasoning

Ves can relate to an extent the hardship and turmoil Symon is going though with how he's meant to feel about his family and what they did to him. Ves is always there to offer often harsh, but needed advice to him. She often tells him that his real family isn't the one who gave him life, but the one that respects and loves him.

Vespula XII


Towards Ves




Towards Vespula XII



When Vee and Ves were born, Vespula made an active effort to not get emotionally attached to them, knowing that one day one of them would have to die. As a result, she always came off as cold and unloving towards the girls, and it would often be nursery workers raising them instead.   She could be cruel and difficult to please especially with Queen training, which was almost the only time the girls interacted with her for an extended period of time. She instilled a sense of fear of her in them from a young age.   By the time the duel arrived, it became less about taking the throne (and not dying), but more about not being considered a disappointment. When Ves ultimately won the duel, Vespula tried to be more affectionate to her daughter, but it only came off as unnerving and condescending.   Ves's resentment towards her mother and the things she had to do for the throne and the hive eventually came to a boil when her mother didn't protect her from the Drones who hurt her, instead scolding her for taking such drastic, violent action against them. This would escalate into a fight between them, the result was Ves being banished from the Hive.



Towards Aniso




Towards Ves



When Ves first met Aniso, it was after he had inadvertently destroyed her home. Promising to make it up to her, he tried to find her a place in the Grotto for her, and stood up for her when she was accused of kidnapping and eating Miinu. Aniso showed her kindness few have before, allowing her to open up to him more.   She agreed to help him and Symon return the Fossil Stone because she had begun to care about them and realized if no one who could fight came with them, they would die

Relationship Reasoning

Ves was ultimately won over by Aniso's kind and compassionate attitude, one that was rare where she came from. Aniso will talk to her and include her in activities, even when she tries to distance herself, which ultimately helps her come out of her shell more.



Towards Ves




Towards Vee



The twins have always had each other since they were born. Everyone else in their life refused to get close to them, knowing what their fate would be in the future. Despite also knowing their fate, the girls never treated each other as rivals. They never left each others side. They slept together, they shared secrets, explored the hivedom, and trained together.   Ves always knew that Vee was the better fighter of the two, and resigned herself to the idea that she'd be the one to die, so after a while she stopped trying to compete with her, and stopped trying to be the 'good' one. She wanted people to hate her before she went out, but secretly she didn't want to die. She would often confide in her sister that she was afraid to die.   When it came time to finally duel, Ves was sure that her time was up, that she was going to die to her sister, but instead, she fatally wounded her instead, after she made a rookie mistake she new Vee would never do on purpose. She realized that Vee had sacrificed herself on purpose, and she gave her one more smile before dying.

Relationship Reasoning

Ves is still grieving her sister, and blames herself and the monarchy for what she had to do to her. It is because of her she eventually vows to rebuild the hive monarchy system.


Colony Miinu
Bug kin
Yellow Jacket Wasp
Year of Birth
1907 CE 22 Years old
Vee (Sister)
Golden Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey
Known Languages



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