Siriande An Aether explosion in Asht Vaal shatters the world
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An Aether explosion in Asht Vaal shatters the world

Disaster / Destruction


With the High King of Demoran disappearing in the wake of a Demonic invasion two years earlier, the Archmage of the Technical University of Magic, Engineering and Avionics tries to grab power off of the priesthood.

Failing in his attempt in a desperate last stand he unleashes the full brunt of an aether explosion in Asht Vaal. The explosion rips through the mountain range and wipes out Destorhan and much of the surrounding lands. Through Underdark connections that were unforeseen by the Archmage, the lands themselves buckle and rip. Tearing apart the continent at its seams, creating all sorts of new divisions in the lands. In the minds of the people around Siriande this is a result of the reborn Zahaziel, only very few people know the truth behind the destruction of the continent.  

  • Demoran is split in two, the capital completely destroyed. The southern part renames itself Destor, in remembrance of the lost capital city, Negh'vada is declared their capital. The north is still named Demoran in the minds of the people. Without the governing elite, there’s not much of unity among the people in the lands.
  • The mountain range between Demoran and Nemya crashes into the sea, splitting off the frozen kingdom from the rest of the world. The frozen planes to the northeast of Nemya, known as Zamorra , are also set loose.
  • All the way across the continent the mighty mountain wall that has protected Dormark Maurr for eons crumbles. The sea levels climb and swipe away lands, shattering it between Sebiya and the Dwarven Nation.
  • To the west of Ondath'Cinna the peninsula cracks and is separated into a separate island.
  • The most devastating blow is dealt to the mountains south of Eneih, where the magical shield is the only thing preventing The Citystate of Enyaltelen to blow up into the high heavens. Now an island in the new straights between Telenholm and Eneih.
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