Order of Salvitas

The Order is devoted primarily to the growing and distribution of foods across the Protectorates, but also has members who seek to treat and cure illness amongst the peoples.   Its sacred duty is to maintaining the health and wellbeing of the population, but in practice, the distribution of foods and medicines favours the rich and influencial within the cities of the Protectorates.   The Order was founded by Thulaya herself during the early years of Refuge, when the population was beset by famines and sickness. The original cultivars invented the magics that would enable the growing of food in the artificial and cramped confines of Refuge, without the aid of natural light, nor the easy replnishment of nutrients, soil or water.   When Refuge failed, the returned found themselves on the shores of Reverence Bay. The wan light of the sun low on the horizon, and the bitter sleet storms that blew across the tundra of their new homeland proved as difficult an environment to grow food as Refuge itself had. The magical technologies developed in Refuge were quickly adapted, and the Order of Salvitas expanded it activites across the newly founded Protectorates.   The Order's Greendomes that are found across the Frostswards are the modern evolution of these magical technolgoies.


The Order of Salvitas consists of two divisions, its academic and agrarian arms. These two arms are led by a small central heirarchy of leaders know as the the Docent.  

The Chancellor and the Docent

Above all sits the Chancellor who precides on the Convocation of Chancellors with the leaders of the other Colleges of The Academy.  

The Docent

The Chancellor is supported but the members of the Docent. This is a small number of senior members of the Order of Salvitas, drawn from the ranks of the Cultivars. Their duty is to advise the Chancellor and act as their emmisaries across the Protectorate cities.
by Midjourney

The Cultivars

The academics and bureacrats of the Order are known as the Cultivars. They are the managers, teachers and administrative clerks of the Order across the Protectorates. They hold the political power within the Order and keep tight control over the secrets of food production, what gets taught and to whom it gets taught. The Cultivars and their clerks decide on the priorities for magical or agrarian research, how food is farmed and distributed, who gets employed, how they are paid, and the priorites for any other efforts that the Order becomes involved in.
by Midjourney

The Cobswains

The Cobswains form the much larger segment of the Order, and are the sweat and muscle of its activities. The Cobswains are a widely distributed network of farmers, producers, porters, labourers and their many attendants scattered across the lands controlled by the Protectorates. Through the Cobswains, the Order is the largest employer of the common people in the rural areas of the Protectorates, but often this employment does not pay well. Individual farmers are not in control of thir own produce, the sale and distribution of whch is controlled by the Cultivars. The Cobswains consist primarily of those whose stations in life and the outcomes of their Choosing did not see them accepted into the Ministry, the Academy, or the Shield.
by Midjourney
Founding Date
During Refuge
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Order of Salvitas

Cover image: by Midjourney


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