
The Midkin are descendents of the Elderkin from the time of the Elderkin Schism. They are the peoples who joined the emancipated Bloodforged and Stoneforged at the end of the wars when the Deepkin fled to the Hollow Earth, and Arkin hid themselves in the Feywild.   In the subsequent years, the Midkin diverged from their brethren, and a number of racial variations emerged. The most obvious difference since their dvergence from the other kin, is their reduced lifespan. While both Arkin and Deepking can live for a few hundred years, it is very rare for a typical Midkin to live beyond 100 years.   Despite this, all kin variants are able to interbreed, and the distinction between them can become quite blurred. Differences beyond superficialities like skin tones and facial features tend to be mostly cultural.   Midkin that are alive today are direct descendents of those who fled to Refuge to escape the Destruction, while those who were left behind became the ancestors of the peoples who evolved into the many variants of Goblin kin and the Firetouched through the unknown count of years during the Age of Shadowfire.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
80-100 yrs
Average Height
5-6 ft
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Midjourney


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