Circle Sea Geographic Location in Seleim | World Anvil
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Circle Sea

The Circle Sea (buzranblid praabgi in Yzelian, lit. circular enormous water) is known by different names depending on if one is part of Eoion or Yzel and the two nations view it very differently.    In total, the ocean circles the entirety of the Seleim continent. Warmer, more wildlife rich areas are further south, near Yzel. This has led to a substantial fishing industry there and sailing is a highly respected skill. The Yzelians also hold a strong navy as their land has many natural port areas. This has allowed them to become the dominant seafaring force around the continent. People who speak Yzelian informally call the Circle Sea, ikaam saleczlad (trans. Bounteous Path), due to the amount of business conducted on it. The name 'Circle Sea' was originally a Yzelian name and is the more official designation.    Eoion has a much more conquest oriented relationship with the water. The original kingdom, which later expanded into an empire, was a landlocked nation and thus did not have a navy. With the acquisition of ocean facing countries, they tried to catch up. This led to a conquest mindset as they set out in search of islands to bring into the empire. The Shiroko Dynasty introduced the Okenumi into the ecosystem, forever changing the ecology of the nearby beaches. To the Eoins, the Circle Sea is known as Svante's House (Svantei Zitsoei) due to the prowess of Svante II as a naval conqueror and overall seafarer.    Around the Seleim continent, there are many reef systems, particularly close to Padenet. These have become extremely popular tourist destinations. Most of the fish are found in the port area just south of Leowit, the capitol of Yzel and source of a great deal of the country's fish. In contrast, Eoion uses the sea and Okenumi to protect their northern border rather than invest in a great deal of fish based consumer products.
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