Susaydis League Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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Susaydis League

The Susaydis League is today a large nation, a federation of city states ruled by a council of wizards.

The League is a nation run by spell casters, for spell casters. Their goal is to promote magic and make it the leading power in the world.

At the center of all is the great city of Susaydis and it's innumerable schools of magic, and the secret Hidden academy. Susaydis is where most of the mage in the League and countless numbers of foreign spell users come in a pilgrimage to learn the finest and latest skills in spell casting technique.

Each state has its own system of government, its own laws and its own judges, while in the city of Susaydis a Council meets with representatives from each territory, in order to make common decisions and avoid conflicts between the members of the League.

Old Susaydis, before the invasion of the Phan Empire, liberated themselves from the Khedir control and became an independent nation, and was still a magocracy, develop to be quite peaceful and devoted to study and magical research. For this reason, even today, the inhabitants of the League hold all spellcasters in high esteem.



After the fall of the Ancients, the Rodhian people slowly abandoned their old beliefs to embrace the new Gods. The High Priests of the Cults have lost credibility and powers, disappearing from public life.   In the territories of Susaydis existed a very famous magical academy called Hall of Arcane Learning under the control of the Church of Melethis. The presence of this academy forged the aspect of this land for the coming centuries.   The rulers of the kingdom continued the traditions, but without the power of the priests they gradually weakened. At the time of the Phan invasion the Kingdom of Hegnor practically no longer existed, and in 53 NE it quickly collapsed in the face of the Invincible Fleet. The conquest of the continental territories by the empire dealt the final blow to the already tested structure of the kingdom, relegating it to the large islands of Kamamaya and Colchis.  

With the arrival of the Empire, the cities of the Susaydis region were plundered and destroyed, the famous academies of magic of Susaydis were stripped and all the treasures brought to the capital Phan: Alasia. The capital of the kingdom, the city of Susaydis suffered tremendous destruction.


Some wizards escaped the massacre by hiding in the basement of the Enchanted Palace, home to the guild of wizards, and managing to save many priceless books. For many years after the destruction Susaydis remained semi-deserted, but home to a new school of magic hidden from the eyes of the occupants.

  In 450 NE, the seizure of the old kingdon by the Black Khedir ended the islands dinasty. The Khedir tried to restore the cult of the Ancient Gods and the Patriarchy, bringing women back to the role of slaves and concubines. The oppression of women therefore gave rise to a rebellion in 472 NE which led to the fall of the Khedrim's control of a large part of the Island of Colchis and the final detachment of the territories of the lands of Susaydis.   In 626 NE the Khedir, after having definitively freed himself from imperial control, tried to reconquer the continental territories of Susaydis, but the resistance of the population (already fully converted to the Gods of Valenor worshipping) and the imperial troops repelled the attack, temporarily maintaining the territories under imperial control.   In 916 NE, following many other nations that rebelled against the Empire, the peoples of Susaydis overthrow the imperial Bayan and declare themselves independent once again. The mage of the cities of Susaydis prepare the city for the imperial revenge. The League is born in 920 NE.   In 925 Emperor Khelan wanted to show it's strength and sent a powerful fleet of the Invincible Fleet to retake control of the Susaydis territory. The fleet headed directly to the city of Susaydis, bombing and destroying the city for several days. The city defense fall against the onslaught, but some mysterious forces (later revealed to be Occult Academy students and teachers) kept attacking imperial ships and destroyed dozens of attackers. After ten days of bloody magical combat, a relief fleet from the other cities of the League came to support the besieged city. The Imperial fleet, under attack from Occult Academy forces and the League fleet, in great danger of being completely destroyed, forced the Fleet Admiral to order the retreat of the fleet. The Imperial Fleet lost nearly the 50% of their ships, the city of Susaydis was destroyed for the second time with thousands of victims, but the Imperial are repelled with heavy losses and never again will try to underestimate the magical powers of the Susaydians.  

When the empire abandoned the lands of the Inner Sea, the magicians of the Occult Academy regained control of the city and with time of most of the territories of the former Kingdom of Susaydis.

Many internal struggles arose for control of the territory, in which some wizards of enormous power prevailed, giving way to the current factions.

Republic of Adara

The Republic of Adara is a direct election democracy, all wealthy resident wizards over the age of 50 can compete for the positions of Magister, Judicator and Milites.

The Magister is the ruler of the city and the territory, decides laws, taxes and everything else concerning the civil administration of the Republic.

The Judicator is the wizard responsible for enforcing the laws (obviously other wizards, non-wizards citizens don't matter).

The Milites is the magician in charge of the army of the Republic, the Academies of Magic and the Stables (where monsters and mounts are bred).

Churufu State

The Independent Churufu State split from the old Kingdom of Epicuros at the time of the Arcane Struggle. When the Afides ruling family was exterminated, the surviving members of the nobility retreated to live in the estates along the coast. The rioters (practitioners of traditional Soslith magic) have taken control of much of the territory, without however being able to completely defeat the nobles.

Various battles have taken place over the years, with neither losers nor winners, up to the time of the creation of the League and the Senate, which put an end to disputes and clashes. Perhaps they will also be able to pacify the souls of two factions that have hated each other for centuries?

Prefecture of Epicuros

The Prefecture of Epicuros was formed at the end of the Arcane Struggle. The Arcane Struggle was caused by traditional Soslith "sorcerers" who saw their power endangered by the ruling family of Afides who had renounced the cult of the Old Gods and embraced Arcane magic (elven style). During the rebellion the royal family was exterminated, along with most of the nobles and the people who had embraced the New Gods.

Many nobles and their followers took refuge along the coast, giving birth to the state of Churufu. Other Soslith fled to the elven territory of Arborea, where they founded a city and various villages, well received by the elves with whom they now shared much of the culture.

Over the years the Sorcerers have gradually disappeared and left the territory under the control of "prefects" with the task of governing in the name of the Sorcerers. At the creation of the League, no Sorcerers were reachable and the Prefects eventually decided to join the League.

Free City of Erdestan

The Free City of Erdestan is a territory inhabited by Garowian, but independent of both the Kingdom of Bodrumstan and the Grand Duchy of Orenil. The reason for the split is attributable to the wizard Orson Dee, who was the first lord of Erdestan. Dee was a were-lion who assumed the appearance of a thick-maned white lion.

For the Garowians the personification of the goddess Arva is precisely the White Lion and for many Garowians Dee was the first Avatar of Arva. Within a short time, news of Dee's miracles and his power as a charmer convinced many Garowians to follow him. His military might grew enormously, allowing him to invade and capture the cities that now form Erdestan's territory.

Barony of Lemni
Lemni Barony
The Barony of Lemni has a history full of heroic deeds against dark forces. Founded centuries ago by a band of valiant Rhodian humans, the barony has grown as a bulwark in the fight against the Darkness that threatens the region. Around the year 340 NE the Lemni area fell prey to Darkness. Thanks to the intervention of a mythical figure, a dragon who took on human form, called "the Shining Dragon", the darkness was repelled and the territory purged of contamination. At the end of the war the Shining Dragon disappeared, leaving control of the barony to his descendants. The formation of the order of the Light Bearers dates back to one of the most critical events in history, when a hero, guided by the Dragon's flame, managed to defeat yet another devastating dark invasion.  
Maachedon State
Maachedon State is a feudal state with a highly militarized political structure. Each city and territory is ruled by a feudal lord who supplies troops to the central government in Boldak. The Prince of Boldak is the supreme head of the state and resides in the White Knights' fortress.   Maachedon's economy is centered on the production of armaments, military and magical training, and the maintenance of its military. Resources are primarily used to support the military and to promote the development of citizens' military and magical abilities.  
Sivasni Council
The Sivasni Council state is founded on a decentralized political structure and led by the "Council of Elders", composed of the elders of the various nomadic tribes. Each tribe is autonomous and led by a Sage, chosen for his wisdom and courage. The Council of Elders meets once a year or in case of danger at the "Seat of Spirits" to make important decisions and resolve issues that affect the entire Sivasni people.   Their ability to call upon and control even the most powerful spirits has always been a force to be reckoned with.  
Republic of Susaydis

The current territory of the Republic of Susaydis took shape when the magicians of the Occult Academy regained control of the city, driving out the Imperial forces, weakened by the death of the emperor and the abandonment of the Great Crusade. Many academy mages decided to take control of various territories around the Inner Sea, even fighting wildly for control. The wizards who remained in the city (among them many teachers of the Academy) preferred a less bloody and bloody method of election; the Republic of Susaydis was born.

All wizards "graduated" from the Academy can compete every 5 years for the position of President of the Guild of Wizards and therefore, together with the Guild council, decide on the political life of the Republic.

With the reconstruction of the city, Susaydis has tried to establish itself again as the center of the magical knowledge of Valenor, rebuilding new schools of magic and attracting young people from all over the world, but it is still a long way from the splendor of the past.

Principate of Tarcas

The Principate of Tarcas hardly exists anymore, it has been overwhelmed by the forces of darkness, and the only two cities left are Tarcish and Mucak. Completely isolated from the rest of the world, these cities survive thanks to supplies that arrive by sea.

The capital Tarcish above all, is now only a few kilometers from the wall of darkness, the cultivated fields are devastated by mutations and every day more and more creatures and Sons of Darkness approach the walls or try to enter the city. The cities are almost deserted, the majority of the inhabitants have long since fled ... they are those who in the rest of Valenor are known as the Southern Refugee.

The only thing opposing the destruction of these strongholds is the Tarcas Legion, an army made up of citizens from all over the League and volunteers fighting against the darkness.

Darkness: Territory od the Demon Vekeli

Dominion of Vekeli Vekeli Hustress was a not very powerful but ambitious sorceress. She began as a student at the occult academy, eventually becoming an assistant in the summoning course. Throughout her life she has always looked for shortcuts and loopholes to accommodate her ambition. It seems that the incident to the young wizard who was her assistant before her was caused by a "carelessness", paving the way for Vekeli.

So it is no surprise that she succumbed to the temptations of the dark ... but unlike many other "transformers", she vekeli succumbed to the darkness with transport and dedication, organizing and carrying out the fall of the Principality of Tarcas.

After the fall of Tarcas, she has eliminated every obstacle in her path, until she becomes the Demoness who controls the corrupt territory that was Tarcas and has no intention of stopping there.

Demography and Population

Political, Federation
Alternative Names
Southern Kingdoms
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages

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Articles under Susaydis League

Character flag image: by Alberto Zanini


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