Garowian Leonid Ethnicity in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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Garowian Leonid

The Garowian leonid are a feline people, of very strong build and high agility, they resemble a mix between humans and lions. The male have a bestial visage, with a big mane of hair around the head. The female show a clear modifications to be humanoid (of their six mammary gland only two will develop, like Human and Phan females.

There is clear proof of Phan modifications, but no historical records of it. We can suppose that some early Phan tried to create a hybrid race, maybe for gladiatorial or military use, but as record goes the Garowians are classified between the “free” races of Valenor.

Like the Sun elves the Garowians Leonid people worship Arva, the Goddess of Sun and Light, in his lion aspect; and like the Sun elves the Garowians are extremely militaristic. The difference is that the Lionid have a matriarchal religious society. The female are the center of the community, they control anything from the family income to the ruling of law.

The young males serve in the military for 40 years, if they survive they can mate and spend the rest of their life with all honors, joining all the old male to discuss of news, wars and high moral questions, while worshipping the sun in long basking session during the day in the city agora.


Garowian Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Male: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, −1 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence. Female: +2 Charisma, +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution. Garowian are strong and able warriors.
  • Monstrous Humanoid (Feline): Garowians are lion-like in appearance, strong, proud and regal.
  • Size Medium: Garowians get no bonuses or penalties due to size.
  • Movement: Garowians's base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Natural Weapons: They have a claw attack at 1D6 damage (+ STR bonus).
  • Natural Armor: Garowians have a natural AC of 11+ DEX modifier.
  • Superior Hearing: Garowians have a natural bonus to listening, a +2 modifier.
  • Courage (Ex): Garowians gets a +2 bonus on Will saves against mind-affecting abilities and fear effects. Lions are the symbol of courage, and Garowians receive this power as well.
  • Culture

    Common Customs, traditions and rituals

    Once a year each tribe carries out a sacred ceremony dedicated to Arva in its kraal, during which the females can choose their mate, the chosen mate is still a soldier of the army. The female can repudiate her mate if he proves cowardly or cowardly in combat or if she chooses another stronger and braver warrior. The noble females, the matriarchs and the queen often choose their mate politically, from the most glorious, valiant and recognized as such warriors. The queen's companion is placed as supreme general of the army but in any case subject to the authority of the queen who can remove him from office at any time.

    The males therefore spend their life either framed in the army or in manual activities; the females, on the other hand, spend their existence leading the family, the clan or the kingdom according to their rank.

    A female, until she is of childbearing age, without a partner or who remains widowed for too long begins to be viewed with suspicion and loses social status.

    The social structure of the Garowians is thus delineated, the minor form is the family that usually holds the possession of one or more small agricultural villages, the families join clans in higher-level organizations whose main center is a kraal in which they live from 5,000 to 30,000 people; the clans give rise to the tribes whose center of reference is a greater kraal inhabited by at least 30,000 garowians. Each social structure is headed by a female, whose office is hereditary but there are certainly cases in which one family takes power to the detriment of another.

    Garowian, Priestess of Arva
    Garowian, Priestess of Arva by Alberto Zanini

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