
Most people would just pass over Ardrest, save that as one follows the Trade Way west it crosses between the Misty Forest and the Trollbark Forest, neither of which are fully safe at night. The Southern end of the town is dominated by the local inn, the Decrepit Crab. To the northeast lies most of the village’s farming land before it gives way to the Highmoor.
Like many towns in the Sheer Coast, Ardrest is built on the ruins of a much older age. The homes are mostly squat wooden structures, many of them not even built to human proportions. Some of the larger, more important buildings (temple, townhall, inn) are partially built up using the preexisting stone ruins. Across the road from the inn, is a simple marketplace, made mostly of tents and a few permanent buildings.
This small and sleepy town was the place where the Frostyear Guardians got their start and now the basis for the power and the state they founded: Hagsfall.  Plagued for generations by the machaniations of Bergatha the Hag she was finally defeated after the Fortyear Festival in 1491. The Guardians then settled in Ardrest, and founded the state of Hagsfall, which has just recently come to the attention of the neighboring powers.


This small village was originally inhabited by mostly humans and halflings, but since the rise of Hagsfall the population has begun to grow and become more diverse.


While orginally law was administered by the local sherriff, Ansil Ironfist, now goverence is handled by the Frost Year Guardians, who generally manage the town by consensus between the group.


Originally relitively defenseless, following the goblin attack (see Chapter 1) construction began on a palisade which has been built into a wooden wall.

Industry & Trade

Ardrest relies mostly on agriculutal products, especially after the sudden expansion of its arable land following the rise of Hagsfall Tower (see Chapter 12). Additionally with the rise of the state of Hagsfall, skilled artisens have began to come travel to the town.


Ardrest has a long and varied history. Founded long ago, at somepoint in the distant past the town fell under the rule of a coven of hags, which were defeated in 1379 as detailed in The Defeat of the Witches Three. There was only one surivor the the hag, Bergatha which set about creating her plan to ruin the town. What followed was a gradual decline into missery for the next century, culumating when a group of adventurers found, exposed, and defeated the hag. As a result, a burst of magical energy from the Ilyrinan Machine produced fertile farmland and raised Hagsfall Tower from beneath the earth. Now the town serves as the population center for a newly founded state that represents a relative unknown in the face of local politics.

Points of interest

  • The Highroad - a ruined causeway of Ilyrian design that runs several miles to the north of Ardrest before ending suddenly. Darian (see Chapter 5) descovered that the ruins contain hidden chambers accessable via Ilyrian crystal keys.
  • Tree of Ardrest - a massive and magical tree tied to the Auroral Mistress and the Fae. It was planted by the Frostyear Guardians as a symbol of thier ties with the local fae. It was from this tree where Ardethan emerged in the fall of 1491.
  • Hagsfall Tower - a whitestone tower raised by the defeat of the Hags of Ardrest, slightly to the north of the center of Ardrest that now serves as the center of government for the local region.
Founding Date
c. 800 DR
Owning Organization
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Vehicles Present
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Sanzeia World Map

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