King Šamper Nezenŋad Character in Salan | World Anvil
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King Šamper Nezenŋad

He is the fourth Zeribian king of Der Fem, the son of King Šamper Hašmaq, the grandson of Ûšum Biz Xefkam Šamper Nezen the First King of Der Fem.   Šamper Nezenŋad's father died when he was only 10-years-old. His father was succeeded on the throne by his former Vizier Ûzeŋadise-bargwel Šiwke Gwelzuh. Šiwke Gwelzuh was deeply devoted to the House of Šamper, so he adopted Nezenŋad and made sure he succeeded him after his death.


Family Ties

He is a member of the noble family Šamper 'heaven's sibling'
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Der Fem
preceeded by: Ûzeŋadise-bargwel Šiwke Gwelzuh (King)

809 AFS 850 AFS
Parents (Adopting)
Other Affiliations


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