Šiwke Gwelzuh Character in Salan | World Anvil
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Šiwke Gwelzuh

Sama suomeksi täällä   Ûzešŋadise-Bargwel Šiwke Gwelzuh is a leader of the Zeribian Revolution of Der Fem and later the first Vizier of Der Fem.     Ruling title: Ûzes'ŋad-bargwel 'He Sharpened My Tongue like a Sword'
Family name: Šiwke 'Blacksail'
Personal name: Gwelzuh 'Swordword'

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was the first vizier of Der Fem Island after the conquest of the island by First King Ûšum Biz Xefkam Šamper Nezen in the 800AH Zeribian Revolution of Der Fem. After the premature death of Šamper Nezen's son and successor Šamper Hašmaq in a battle against , Šiwke Gwelzuh became the third King of Der Fem. He was the ruling vizier for 20 years, and ruled as the king for another 23 years, before dying 843AH at the remarkable age of 79.

Gender Identity


Intellectual Characteristics

Šiwke Gwelzuh is remembered for being an wise and eloquent diplomat. His skills in negotiation guaranteened a strong foundation for the newly found city state among its Zeribian allys, and enabled it to endure in battles against the Republic of Free West Island.


Contacts & Relations

Šiwke Gwelzuh was always close with his King Šamper Nezen. They were the same age and knew each other since youth, and fought side by side in the Revolution. After the Revolution Gwelzuh was the right hand of the ruling King, and they were said to be close as brothers. To further stenghten their bond, Šamper Nezen, shortly after his ascension to the throne, gave his daughter for Šiwke Gvelzuh's wife. Šiwke Gvelzuh eventually returned his favors by making sure he was succeeded by Šamper Nezen's grandson Šamper Nezenŋad, whom he had personally brought up after his father's death.

Family Ties

He comes from a family of wealthy merchants, who were not noble before the revolution, but that claim to descent from the noble lines of Moons from before the The Black Years (Crescent Eruption). Šiwke Gwelzuh's father Šiwke Kvešur was one of the leading minds behind the revolution, but needed the support of the established nobles to solidify the unity of the Zeribian side in the war.   The Šiwke are known to be intelligent leaders, who rather win by word than by sword.   Gwelzuh's first wife was Burwiš Feren Ximret who bore him his oldest son Šiwke Belux. His second wife was Šamper Bexur, the daughter of King Ûšum Biz Xefkam Šamper Nezen.


Šamper Nezenŋad (king)

adoptive son

Towards Šiwke Gwelzuh


Šiwke Gwelzuh

adoptive father

Towards Šamper Nezenŋad (king)


Šiwke Gwelzuh


Towards Šamper Bexur

Šamper Bexur


Towards Šiwke Gwelzuh

Šiwke Gwelzuh


Towards Burwiš Feren Ximret

Burwiš Feren Ximret


Towards Šiwke Gwelzuh

Tyršan Luneggriš-Feren (king)

Political relationship

Towards Šiwke Gwelzuh


Šiwke Gwelzuh

Political relationship

Towards Tyršan Luneggriš-Feren (king)


Relationship Reasoning

Tyršan Luneggriš-Feren hates and fears Ûzeŋadise-bargwel Šiwke Gwelzuh because he has a valid claim to the Throne of Crescent. Ûzeŋadise-bargwel Šiwke Gwelzuh hates Tyršan Luneggriš-Feren because he forced him to give up the claims for the thrones of Crescent and Der Fem to receive his help in the revolution.

Honorary & Occupational Titles

Vizier of Der Fem
preceeded by: Zeribian Revolution of Der Fem
  King of Der Fem
preceeded by: Šamper Hašmaq
succeeded by: Šamper Nezenŋad
764 AFS 843 AFS
Šamper Bexur (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Ŋad i zerib
Nem Ressalit


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