Hunter Bird Species in Salan | World Anvil
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Hunter Bird

The hunter birds are the most notable native predators on the Eastern Islands. They are ambush predators that hunt by dropping on their prey from the low branches of the trees, although they are also able to run pretty fast. They can only fly enough to cross some sea to the nearest islands.   The hunter birds are a sacred species to Zeribians, and are worshipped as the manifestatition of the war god Kuh. An elité military unit, the Gaš Sakal - The Beast Warriors, are able shapeshift into a Hunter bird form.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

It lives in the tropical rainforests of the Islands. The Islands are relatively newly formed volcanic islands, so the most species there are either birds or sea creatures. The largest prey available are the pigs, that were brought there by the humans and later went wild. The hunters have evolved to attack the pigs in packs, because they could be too big to kill for a lone hunter.   The Hunters are generally afraid of settlements but can sometimes kill unprepared lone humans, especially if they attack in packs. More than dangerous, they are extremely hard to find, and even harder to get close enough to kill them. Because they are very rarely seen, the myth has grown larger than the species itself, and they are generally believed to be a lot larger and more dangerous than they actualy are. There are stories about absolutely colossal birds that were supposedly seen by someone

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The locals think that the Hunters are a manifestation of the bloodthirsty war god Kuh. For this reason it is considered sacred, and is only allowed to be killed by the ruling elité. The birds feathers are used as decoration by the rulers. The feathers were previously written about here (partially outdated).
by Tuisku

Average Height
70cm to the shoulders and 100cm with the head included.
Geographic Distribution

This is my submission for Summer Camp 2020 prompt "Write about an apex predator in your world. How does it hunt and survive"


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