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Faren colour associations

These are the colour associations in Faren culture.

Farens like wearing colourful clothes, and often wear wild combinations of bright colours. Keeping clothes bright is expensive, and only possibe for the rich, the others often wear worn down colours. However, the colours carry a lot of symbolism, and especially single-coloured dresses are often reserved for special occasions.  


Green is the colour of young crops and new growth, and therefore of life and youth. By association, it's also the colour of youthful and reckless love. In marriage ceremony the couple is brought young green plants to bless them with fertility. In art love is often symbolised with vines, that encircle, cover or tie together the couple.  


Blue and purple are the most expensive colours on Salan, and therefore these are the colours of the rich and the divine. Blue clothing is used in formal occasions. If someone can't afford a full blue outfit -and the most can't- they can wear blue belts, ribbons or embroidery with a plain (white) tunic. Another solution is to opt for a much less vibrant but affordable blue-purple dyes, such as blueberries.   Blue is also the colour of the dead. Because the bodies of the dead are usually wrapped up in blue burial ropes, those are used to depict the immaterial ancestor spirits in art.

Two spirit ancestors wrapped in burial blankets watching over a sleeping man


Yellow is the colour of old, ripe crops, and therefore the colour of the old age and wisdom. Teachers, scientists and members of the Senate wear yellow. Saffron yellow used for the senatorial clothing is also very expensive.


Red colour is associated with the Ara people that like to wear red clothes. The Ara are able to produce bright red mineral colouring, that makes them able to have stonger colours than what the Farens can make themselves.

Red is also the colour of war, and military officers usually wear red.


White clothes are common the middle classes who can't afford the most expesive colours, but don't do dirty work. Faren clothes are often white with colourful decorations like embroidery and belts worn with the white clothes. Pure white is often worn by priests and thinkers that promote achetism.
by Tuisku

An Ara pastor in the characteristic red outfit
by Pracar (wikimedia user)

Colour symbolism in Belts

Most Faren groups have a habit of wearing colourful woven belts to tie their tunics. Even the poorer people try to invest into a nice looking belt, that is often the only colourful piece of clothing that many have.

Faren families have their own patterns shared between the family members, and similar patterns and colour combinations can be used to determine where someone is from just by seeing their belts. Some colours and patterns can, for example, be the symbols of the home city's patron god.


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