Sakura - State Organization in Sakura | World Anvil

Sakura - State

Demography and Population

The population is largely (90%+) humans. Split between Sakuran Humans and Imperial Humans. No significant populations of elves, dwarves, halflings etc exist with the notable exception of the Snow Elves of the Wulv Clan who maintain a small settlement up in the mountains. Kitsune and other races are still relatively rare in terms of the overall population despite their disproportionate influence in local politics (OOC Note: Kitsune/Dragons/etc are massively over represented in the PC population but account for only a tiny portion of the overall population which includes NPCs). Total population of the region would be between 10,000 to 20,000. An accurate estimate being hard to provide since the area is very rural and the local government doesn't really keep a close eye on the surrounding areas.


Sakura (the state) currently claims control over the entire Sakura - Region though their actual control outside Sakura Town is minimal.   In addition there is a tentative claim to the Celestial Empire but that is not only inaccessible for the moment, but also far beyond what anyone but the most fervent Imperials would claim.


The Sakuran military is drawn from 3 primary sources:  

Professional Guards

Guards employed full time in the service of the Town or as members of the Kissekigumi. These individuals are usually the first to respond to any emergencies and will often be tasked with all sorts of tasks outside their regular duties.

Black Lotus Dojo

In times of crisis the Black Lotus Dojo is committed to make it's students and instructors available to aid in the defense of Sakura. There might not be many of them but they are highly trained and formed the backbone of the defense during the Imperial invasion of Sakura Village.


Recently formed at the direction of the Lord Protector. Prince Hozumi has been tasked with recruiting and training the militia. It draws heavily upon former Imperial soldiers so while they might 'only' be a militia most of their members are veteran soldiers with many years of experience. Due to labor shortages and a pressing need to ensure everyone is fed and housed their services are not called upon unless needed.

Samurai Clans

A number of clans have been granted charter to establish themselves within Sakura. In exchange for the rights and privileges they have been granted, they are required to recruit, maintain, and if needed provide forces to aid in the defense of Sakura. These are usually the very best professional soldiers picked to serve their clans full time. Notably the Sakata clan maintains a large force of professional cavalry, while the Wyrd clan prefers to employ creatures summoned from the underworld. Each of the clans have their own unique approach.


As a last resort Sakura has historically relied heavily upon hiring adventurers or mercenaries from abroad.

Technological Level

The region seems to have a strong influence from it's own divine influences that the locals call the Kami. This influence doesn't seem to extend outside the region so the Kami don't really influence much past the borders. Within the region however their influence is nearly absolute.   One notable quirk is that advanced technology or especially powerful magics from outside the region tend to be dampened or fail outright. Complicated mechanical devices tend to degrade quite rapidly.


The official state religion is Shinto with a significant presence of Bodai.   By local traditions the Shinto faith has no head, but by the Imperial tradition the head of the faith would be the Celestial Tenchō Empress. As the head of the state and head of the religion are the same individual for the Imperials religion and politics are effectively one and the same for them.

Foreign Relations

Sakura is a small region nestled within a mountainous region. The people there are culturally distinct from the surrounding areas. The region has only limited trade or interaction with the outside world and most of it's commerce is centered around the largest settlement - Sakura Town.


There are few codified laws and justice is largely based off a system of precedent established by the local authorities. Crimes such as murder, assault, theft, rape and so forth are commonly understood to be against the law. Something resembling a formal legal system with clearly defined authorities, judges, law enforcement etc really only exists within Sakura Town however and the rest of the region remains largely lawless for the moment. People from the smaller settlements have been known to bring their cases to Sakura Town however for adjudication, and the Town Council has been known to send people out to help resolve more complicated or important issues of justice in those same settlements. Bandits are the most notable example where the Town actively enforces laws outside of it's immediate borders.   Note: In regards to theft specifically, Lord Protector Ichigatsu has mandated that both malicious intent and actual harm must be proven for it to be considered as 'theft'. The innocent non-malicious snatching of things by Kitsune for example is not considered theft and also not considered acceptable justification for the use of violence.

Agriculture & Industry

Largely rural subsistence farming and focused around Sakura Town. Large number of wealthy foreigners moving in have caused a huge influx of wealth into the region along with a demand for imported goods, but the region itself doesn't generate much of anything to export. The locals themselves still heavily value barter or working with their own local currencies and gold is a secondary currency to them; but it is the primary currency for the foreigners and any foreign dealings.
Geopolitical, State
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Mon (Copper Coins)
Shu (Iron Coins)
Bu (Silver Bars)
Ryo (Gold Bars)
  4000 mon = 16 shu = 4 bu = 1 ryo
Legislative Body
Currently the Sakura Town Council functions as the legislative body for Sakura under the authority of the Lord Protector.
Judicial Body
Judicial matters are generally settled through adjudication through one of the Ministers appointed to the Sakura Town Council.   For more serious matters or appeals the issue can be taken to the Minister of Justice.   For the most serious issues such as capital offenses or the final level of appeals they will be decided by the Lord Protector himself with advise from the Council.
Executive Body
The Kissekigumi are charged with enforcing the laws within Sakura. Various individuals may also be individually granted limited authority by a Minister to enforce the laws pertaining to their domain, or more broadly by the Lord Protector to handle a specific matter.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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