Lundar Settlement in Sacaris | World Anvil
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The clan fortress of Lundar is split between 2 parts . The main town is built around an old Shadowspear military installation that is partially sunk into the large area of hillside at the center of the island. The outer town itself is constructed from some of same materials used in the construction the old installation as well as lumber and stone gathered from the local area. With the exception of the small amount of farming located outside the substantial defensive wall, things are arranged much more like a military base as opposed to a town, with barracks like residential areas bordered by a large training ground through to the large Shadowspear era arcane artillery emplacement.  While located almost a mile away on the coast the dock area is considered by the inhabitants as an extension of Lundar rather than a separate town . While constantly maned by Urso forces, there are no residential areas . In recent years outsiders have become more common due to increase in trade through the port and as such a small area has been constructed consisting of several basic bunk building, a wash house and a small tavern which is run by a halfing by the name of Danton Sharhorn who is the islands only male inhabitant. The dock area is the only area where outsiders are permitted with the very rare exception that an audience is granted by the Dusk Mother.
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