Prismatic Dragonborn Ethnicity in Runetalras | World Anvil
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Prismatic Dragonborn

The prismatic dragonborn are an ethnicity which its constantly increasing its relative percentage of the population of the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy, as they are the result of multiple generations of dragonborn of different colouration breeding with one another. The prismatics view themselves as the future of the dragonborn races, while the true dragonborn view them as the result of deviancy. The nature of the prismatics is somewhat of a taboo subject, and while they do not face overt racism true dragonborn mock the prismatics for their colouration, speak in hushed tones when one enters a room, and true dragonborn employers tend to favour their true counterparts.  

Physical Description

  If one were colour blind it would be practically impossible for one to see the difference between the prismatic and true dragonborn; as they stand on average around 6'2" – 6'8" (1.88–2.03 meters), and weigh between 220–320 lbs (100–145 kg). It is only the scale colouration that truly sets them apart. The scale colouration of the prismatics have perhaps a limitless number of combinations, with some being a mixture of metallic tones, others chromatic tones, other muted reds, crimsons, scarlets, and browns, ultimately there continues to be new colourations hatched each day. Curiously, it seems that the prismatic are less prone to the genetic mutation that leads to dragonborn growing wings.  


  The prismatic dragonborn are predominantly found within the dragonborn-tiefling majority kingdom, the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy, where they face mild racism. As a result of this discrimination the prismatic increasingly make their homes outside of the Ascendancy, primarily within the Kasari Dominion and the Free States; though they can also be found within the Velgan Empire, Kingdom of Thaxnoria, Yhess Kingdoms, and Atarsid Isles.
Parent ethnicities

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