Worship of the Raven Queen

Mythology & Lore

The Raven Queen is a powerful Lesser Power whose mythology is steeped in shadow and the cycle of life and death. Her transformation from a mysterious and beautiful Archfey into a goddess of death and darkness was a result of a corrupted ritual that led to the creation of the Shadowfell and the Shadar-Kai. This event is central to her Death Domain teachings, as well as her connection to ravens, which remain a symbol of her power and influence.   The Raven Queen's conflict with another Archfey, Banoranthae, led to the creation of the Moonwilde, a unique plane of existence that further bound the Shadar-Kai in shadow for over 1500 years. The creation of the Moonwilde is a key aspect of her Grave Domain teachings, as it represents a significant turning point in the mythology of the Raven Queen and her role in maintaining the balance of the universe.   Several unique Shadar-Kai characters, such as Eris Shadowwhisper and Nyra Ravenshadow, play an integral role in the mythology of the Raven Queen and the lessons of the Trickery Domain. Their stories and dedication to the Queen of Ravens offer insight into the complexities of her faith and the way in which her followers view the world around them.   The Raven Queen's deep connection to the Shadowfell and the essence of shadows themselves is reflected in her influence over the Shadow Domain. This aspect of her mythology sheds light on her relationship with darkness and the balance between light and darkness in the world.  

Mythology and Forgotten History

  • The Transformation of the Raven Queen
    The Raven Queen was once a mysterious and beautiful Archfey who ruled the Shadow Fey. She led them in a ritual to bind the Plane of Shadow to the Prime Material Plane. However, the ritual was corrupted, resulting in the creation of the Shadowfell and the Shadar-Kai. During this transformation, the Queen of Ravens became a Lesser Power, but her affinity for ravens remained strong as they became the symbol of her influence. This transformation, her connection to the cycle of life and death, and the creation of the Shadowfell form the basis for the teachings of her Death Domain.
  • The War with Banoranthae and the Creation of the Moonwilde
    The Raven Queen's war with Banoranthae, another powerful Archfey, began when she attempted to merge the Prime Material Plane with the Plane of Shadows. This conflict saw numerous turning points, culminating in the formation of the Moonwilde, a unique plane nestled within a small crystal sphere. The Moonwilde was created in response to the Raven Queen's meddling and became a symbol of retaliation by the Fey Courts. Her role as a guardian of the border between life and death, her conflict with Banoranthae, and the creation of the Moonwilde are central to the teachings of the Grave Domain.
  • The Impact of the Moonwilde on Shadar-Kai Society
    The creation of the Moonwilde had significant consequences for the Shadar-Kai and the Raven Queen. Separated from the Prime Material Plane, the Moonwilde retained its magical qualities even when the Stars of Power were extinguished. This act of defiance further imbalanced Nature, binding the Shadar-Kai in shadow for over 1500 years. The Raven Queen's affinity for secrets, memories, and hidden knowledge, as well as her connection to the Moonwilde and the trials faced by the Shadar-Kai, form the foundation for the teachings of the Knowledge Domain.
  • Eris Shadowwhisper, Nyra Ravenshadow, and the Shadar-Kai's Devotion
    Throughout her journey, the Raven Queen encountered several unique Shadar-Kai characters, such as Eris Shadowwhisper, a skilled assassin who worshipped the Raven Queen for her cunning and grace, and Nyra Ravenshadow, a powerful sorceress who dedicated her life to unraveling the mysteries of the Shadowfell in the name of the Raven Queen. These Shadar-Kai, like many others, found solace and purpose in serving the enigmatic queen. Their stories, the teachings they embraced, and their dedication to the Raven Queen are integral to the lessons of the Trickery Domain.
  • The Raven Queen, the Shadowfell, and the Shadow Domain
    As a deity deeply connected to the Shadowfell and the essence of shadows themselves, the Raven Queen holds sway over the Shadow Domain. Her history with the Shadowfell, her role in its creation, and her connection to the Shadar-Kai form the basis for the teachings of this domain. Additionally, the relationship between the Raven Queen and the Shadowfell offers insight into her connection to darkness and the balance between light and darkness in the world.

Divine Origins

The origins of the religion of the Raven Queen are shrouded in mystery, lost to the shadows of time. It is said that her worship dates back to the earliest days of the Feywild, and that her followers were among the first to embrace the darkness that would become her realm. But where her power truly comes from, none can say for sure.   Over time, the mythology of the Raven Queen evolved, shaped by the creation of the Shadowfell and the transformation of the Archfey who would become a goddess of death and darkness. Her teachings and beliefs developed alongside her mythology, with rituals and practices that reflect her deep connection to the shadows and the cycle of life and death.   The symbolism of ravens is integral to the faith of the Raven Queen, and the mysterious practices of her followers reflect the enigmatic nature of their goddess. From seeking hidden knowledge to embracing the darkness within oneself, the teachings of the Raven Queen are as complex and shadowy as the goddess herself.   Despite the mysteries that surround her, the power of the Raven Queen endures, as her followers continue to serve her and promote her influence throughout the planes.

Cosmological Views

According to the teachings of the Raven Queen, the world was once a place of light and life, but the Queen's attempt to merge the Prime Material Plane with the Plane of Shadows resulted in the creation of the Shadowfell and the birth of the Shadar-Kai. Unlike the gradual change experienced by the Eladrin, the transformation of the Shadow Fey into the Shadar-Kai was sudden and chaotic. The Shadar-Kai lacked guidance and structure, leading to infighting and blame for the interference in the Queen's ritual.   However, the Raven Queen sent her ravens out into the Plane of Shadow to guide the Shadar-Kai. Curious, they followed the birds and observed the Raven Queen's actions, taking trinkets and memories back to offer to her. Some Shadar-Kai became fascinated with the idea of breaking free from the cycle of rebirth and sought out ways to do so. Some wore a gal-ralan, a talisman said to offer protection from the ravages of time, while others delved into the teachings of Kano. Some even sought the silt from the River Styx, believing that rare memories contained within it could be traded to the Raven Queen in exchange for true death.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Embrace the Shadows: Followers of the Raven Queen are encouraged to accept the darkness and shadows within themselves and the world around them. Understanding the balance between light and darkness is essential to comprehending the Raven Queen's teachings and finding inner peace.
  3. Seek Hidden Knowledge: The pursuit of secrets and mysteries is a key aspect of the Raven Queen's faith. Her followers are encouraged to unravel the unknown and delve into the depths of forgotten lore, using their discoveries to grow and evolve on their spiritual path.
  5. Preserve Memories: The Raven Queen values memories and the stories they hold. Her followers are expected to protect and honor the memories of the past, both their own and those of others, as they carry the essence of life and the wisdom of the ages.
  7. Respect the Cycle of Life and Death: The Shadar-Kai's unique connection to both the Prime Material Plane and the Shadowfell symbolizes the cycle of life and death. The Raven Queen's followers must honor and respect this cycle, acknowledging the natural order of the universe and the role their deity plays in maintaining it.
  9. Serve the Queen of Ravens: Devotion to the Raven Queen is paramount for her followers. They are expected to serve her faithfully, carrying out her will and promoting her influence throughout the planes. In doing so, they maintain the balance between light and darkness and work towards the greater goals of their enigmatic queen.
  11. Practice Discretion: As the goddess of secrets and memories, the Raven Queen values discretion and subtlety. Her followers are encouraged to exercise prudence in their actions, ensuring that they protect the secrets they hold and maintain the delicate balance of power in the cosmos.
  13. Nurture the Bond of Souls: The Shadar-Kai's unique bond with the Shadowfell and the Prime Material Plane is central to their identity and faith. Followers of the Raven Queen must nurture this bond, allowing it to guide their actions and strengthen their connection to their deity.
  15. Cherish the Ravens: Ravens are sacred creatures in the faith of the Raven Queen, symbolizing her presence and acting as her messengers. Followers must treat these birds with reverence and protect them as symbols of their divine queen's power.
  17. Be Adaptable: The ever-changing nature of shadows and the balance between light and darkness require adaptability and resilience. Followers of the Raven Queen must learn to navigate the shifting currents of the cosmos, embracing change and growth as they walk the path of their faith.
  19. Strive for Balance: Above all, the Raven Queen's tenets emphasize the importance of balance in the universe. Her followers must strive to maintain equilibrium in their lives and the world around them, working to uphold the delicate harmony that exists between light and darkness, life and death, and the countless planes of existence.


The tenets of faith in the Raven Queen guide every aspect of the lives of her followers, providing a framework for making decisions and carrying out actions in accordance with her will. Embracing the Shadows is essential to understanding her teachings, and her followers must accept the darkness and shadows in themselves and the world around them to find inner peace. Seeking Hidden Knowledge is also integral to the faith, and followers must delve into the depths of forgotten lore to grow and evolve on their spiritual path.   The preservation of memories is also of great importance to the Raven Queen, and her followers are expected to protect and honor the memories of the past. Respecting the cycle of life and death is another essential tenet of faith, as the Shadar-Kai's unique connection to both the Prime Material Plane and the Shadowfell symbolizes the natural order of the universe, which must be honored and respected.   Devotion to the Raven Queen is paramount for her followers, and they are expected to serve her faithfully, carrying out her will and promoting her influence throughout the planes. Her followers must also practice discretion and subtlety, ensuring they protect the secrets they hold while maintaining the delicate balance of power in the cosmos.   Nurturing the bond of souls between the Shadar-Kai and the Shadowfell and Prime Material Plane is central to the faith, as is cherishing the Ravens, which are sacred creatures in the faith of the Raven Queen, symbolizing her presence and acting as her messengers. Being adaptable and striving for balance are also emphasized in the tenets of faith, as followers must learn to navigate the ever-changing nature of shadows and the balance between light and darkness to uphold the delicate harmony that exists between life and death and the countless planes of existence.


To worship the Raven Queen and follow her tenets of faith, her faithful must embrace the darkness and shadows within themselves and the world around them. They seek hidden knowledge and unravel mysteries, preserving memories and respecting the cycle of life and death. To honor the Queen of Ravens, followers must serve her faithfully, exercise discretion, and cherish the sacred birds that symbolize her power.   Everyday practices for the faithful of the Raven Queen may include meditation on the balance of light and darkness, seeking out knowledge of the past and present, and maintaining a deep connection to the cycle of life and death. Her followers may offer prayers and devotions to her, both privately and communally, and participate in rituals that honor her power and presence.   The Raven Queen's followers may celebrate important events in her mythology, such as the creation of the Shadowfell and the formation of the Moonwilde, through offerings and rituals that honor these pivotal moments. They may also participate in acts of service that further the Queen of Ravens' influence and promote the balance between light and darkness, such as aiding those in need or protecting sacred sites.   The bond of souls between the Shadar-Kai and the Shadowfell is also a central aspect of the faith. Raven Queen's faithful must nurture this bond, using it to guide their actions and strengthen their connection to their deity. Finally, the faithful of the Raven Queen must strive to maintain balance in their lives and the world around them, working towards harmony and equilibrium between the many planes of existence.

Granted Divine Powers

The followers of the Raven Queen are granted a wide range of supernatural powers through their devotion to their deity. These powers are primarily channeled through different domains of clerical magic, each of which reflects a different aspect of the goddess's portfolio.   Clerics of the Death Domain wield the Raven Queen's power over the forces of life and death. They guide souls through the transition from life to the afterlife or reincarnation and maintain the natural order of the universe. They are able to both heal and harm, using their divine gifts to preserve the balance.   Clerics of the Grave Domain serve as protectors of the dead, using the power of the Raven Queen to lay restless spirits to rest, prevent the rise of undead, and safeguard the sanctity of the dead.   Those who follow the Knowledge Domain of the Raven Queen use their divine gifts to uncover hidden knowledge and unravel the mysteries of the multiverse. They are experts in ancient texts and forgotten lore, using their knowledge to gain insight into the workings of the cosmos.   Clerics of the Trickery Domain use deception and illusion to further the goals of the Raven Queen, using their subtle and cunning nature to navigate the shifting currents of the multiverse. They employ subtlety and guile to further the goals of their deity.   Finally, those who serve the Shadow Domain of the Raven Queen channel the power of darkness and shadows, manipulating the balance between light and darkness in the world. They are able to both obscure and reveal, using their power to further the enigmatic goals of their goddess.


Within the religion of the Raven Queen, there may exist various factions and sects that interpret her teachings in unique ways or prioritize different aspects of her mythology. These factions may differ from the main dogma in terms of their rituals, practices, or beliefs about the nature of the Raven Queen and her influence on the cosmos.   One example of a faction within the faith of the Raven Queen could be a group of her followers who prioritize the preservation of memories above all else. They may view the Queen of Ravens as a deity who safeguards the wisdom of the ages and seek to honor this aspect of her power through their actions and rituals. This group may engage in practices such as recording and archiving stories and historical events, creating elaborate monuments to honor the memories of the past, or preserving sacred artifacts that hold great significance to the faith.   Another possible faction could be a group of Raven Queen worshippers who focus on the Queen's affinity for ravens and the role these birds play in her mythology. This group may prioritize the protection and nurturing of ravens, viewing them as sacred symbols of the Raven Queen's power and presence. They may engage in rituals that involve feeding or caring for local raven populations, offering prayers and devotions to these birds, or even taking on a personal raven companion as a symbol of their devotion to the Queen of Ravens.   These factions may be characterized by their unique practices, rituals, or beliefs, and may be perceived differently by the mainstream faith. Some followers of the Raven Queen may view these factions as divergent or even heretical, while others may see them as simply alternative interpretations of the faith that enrich the overall understanding of the Queen of Ravens and her place in the universe. Ultimately, the presence of factions within the faith of the Raven Queen adds depth and complexity to her mythology, offering potential plot hooks and opportunities for conflict or cooperation within the larger narrative of a game or story.
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Articles under Worship of the Raven Queen


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