
Fierna, the seductive devil known for her management of the Infernal Recreation and Entertainment Corporation, was a powerful figure in the fourth layer of Hell, Phlethegos. Despite the recent absence of her father Belial, who was said to have relocated to the second layer of Hell, Fierna remained a formidable force in the infernal hierarchy.   Daily life for Fierna involved managing the intricacies of the Infernal Recreation and Entertainment Corporation, including the management of subscription-based goods and services. Her cunning and business acumen allowed her to balance the needs of her devilish clientele with the bottom line, ensuring that the corporation remained profitable and dominant in the competitive market of infernal entertainment.   Despite her success, Fierna was not without her concerns. Belial's relocation to the second layer of Hell meant that she was no longer in close proximity to her father and his court. This separation caused her to feel a sense of isolation and uncertainty, as she struggled to maintain her position of power in Phlegethos without the support of her family.   Despite these challenges, Fierna remained a master of deception and manipulation, using her seductive charm to influence and control those around her. Her "Customer Appreciation Day," which turned into a hellish prank involving escape rooms, was just one example of her cunning and mischievous nature.   As the ruler of the Infernal Recreation and Entertainment Corporation, Fierna was a figure of both power and temptation, offering devils a place to indulge in their darkest desires. However, wise sages cautioned against the dangers of becoming too ensnared in the pleasures of Phlegethos, lest one become trapped in an endless cycle of hedonism and debauchery, unable to escape the fiery passions of the fourth layer of Hell.



Paramour (Vital)

Towards Fierna




Paramour (Vital)

Towards Belial



Divine Classification
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Belial (Paramour)
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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