
Before he was known as the Antediluvian, the Lugal of Tatharia, the late Icaghor was a young Barbarian, his eyes filled with the untamed fire of the wilderness. Born in the far northern parts of the Ancient World, he was a product of a time before the floods, a time when Rolara was a realm of darkness, its skies perpetually clouded, its lands devoid of the arcane.   Icaghor's youth was a crucible of hardship and elemental fury. He roamed the storm-wracked plains, his form a solitary silhouette against the backdrop of tempests that seemed to never end. His tribe, akin to the Gemegishkirihallat of later eras, was a nomadic people who revered strength and valor. It was here that Icaghor honed his skills, his body and spirit tempered by the relentless forces of nature.   His weapon of choice was a massive greataxe, its blade as cold and unyielding as the northern winds. With it, he faced monstrous creatures that roamed the dark lands—beasts that had become all the more ferocious in the absence of Magic. Each victory was a testament to his growing prowess, each fallen foe a stepping stone on his path to legend.   But it wasn't just physical strength that set Icaghor apart. He was an avid learner, mastering multiple languages, with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Even in those early years, he displayed a wisdom beyond his age, often meditating on the philosophies of existence and the cosmos, guided by the teachings of his tribe and the rare ancient tomes he managed to acquire.   As he ventured further, his reputation grew. Tribes spoke of the young Barbarian who could face the storms and emerge unscathed, who could slay beasts that others dared not even name. Yet, even as his name became a rallying cry, a symbol of hope in a hopeless world, the weight of destiny began to settle upon his shoulders. It was a weight that would one day lead him to unite the Tathar tribes, to become the Lugal of Tatharia, and to make choices that would forever alter the course of Rolara's history.



In the realm of Rolara, where the veil between the metaphysical and the corporeal is ever so thin, the Barbarian stands as a testament to primal ferocity and untamed spirit. Unlike scholars who seek wisdom in ancient tomes or mages who channel the arcane, the Barbarian's education is one of instinct, survival, and an intimate understanding of the natural world.  

Primal Instincts

  To be a Barbarian in Rolara is to embrace one's primal, wild behavior. These warriors are not bound by the trappings of civility or societal norms. Their senses are as keen as those of the dire wolves that roam the Land of Jiao, and their instincts are honed through years of living in harmony with the wilderness. It is said that the Barbarian's first teacher is the land itself—its forests, mountains, and rivers shaping their skills and temperament.  

Altered States of Mind

  A defining characteristic of a Rolara Barbarian is their ability to enter an altered state of mind, often referred to as the "Battle Rage." This is no mere berserker fury but a deeply spiritual experience that allows them to tap into inner wells of strength and resilience. During this state, a Barbarian becomes a conduit for the raw energies of the earth, their body and spirit fortified by the very essence of Rolara.  

The Unwritten Curriculum

  There are no academies or schools to train a Barbarian; their education is the sum of lived experiences and oral traditions passed down through generations. Mentorship is common, often in the form of an elder or a seasoned warrior guiding a young Barbarian through rites of passage. These rites are not merely tests of strength but spiritual journeys that forge a deep connection with the land and its ancient spirits.   In the Age of Darkness, when the Stars of Power dimmed and Magic waned, it was the Barbarians, with their unyielding spirit and primal might, who stood as beacons of hope. Their qualifications are not etched in parchment but carved into their very souls, making them indispensable guardians of Rolara's fragile balance.

Career Progression

The Call of the Wild

Initiation into Barbarism
  The first step for any aspiring Barbarian is an initiation into the primal forces that govern their world. This is less a formal education and more a spiritual attunement to the natural elements. For example, young Barbarians of the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe learn to read the signs of the Plains of Eoperax, a foundational skill that shapes their future.  

The Crucible

Training and Skill Acquisition
  As they mature, Barbarians undergo rigorous training in combat, survival, and often, a specialized skill that serves their community. This stage is a crucible that tempers their raw potential into honed skill. In the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe, this involves mastery in battle and horsemanship, a rite of passage that transforms them into the tribe's defenders and providers.  

The Path of Mastery

  At this stage, a Barbarian often chooses a specific path that aligns with their skills and the needs of their community. Whether it's becoming a master of two-handed weapons, a shamanic guide, or a keeper of sacred animals, this specialization allows them to contribute in a unique way.  

The Warrior's Zenith

Leadership and Legacy
  The ultimate stage in a Barbarian's career is often one of leadership and mentorship. Whether they become a chieftain, a revered elder, or a legendary hero, their actions and decisions leave an indelible mark on their community and, often, the annals of Rolara itself.

Payment & Reimbursement

In the perilous realm of Rolara, where monsters lurk in shadowed forests and ancient ruins, the Barbarian's role is not just that of a warrior but also a guardian. Their rewards, therefore, extend beyond mere coin and delve into the realm of treasures both tangible and intangible.  

Hoarding Treasure

  It is often said that Barbarians hoard treasure almost as infamously as the ancient dragons that once roamed the skies of Rolara. Whether it's gem-encrusted weapons, arcane artifacts, or simple Gold, the Barbarian's pay is often a share of the spoils from their daring exploits. This form of remuneration is not just a means of wealth but a status symbol, a testament to their valor and skill.  

Bounty of the Land

  In a world where civilization's greatest threats are unchecked monsters, Barbarians often find themselves as the first line of defense. The lands they protect frequently offer natural bounties as rewards—be it rare herbs, sacred springs, or hunting grounds teeming with game. For instance, the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe considers the fertile Plains of Eoperax their greatest treasure, a reward for their stewardship.  

Mercenary Ventures

  Many Barbarians turn their combat prowess into a lucrative career by offering their services as mercenaries. Whether it's guarding merchant caravans or hunting down notorious beasts, their skills are in high demand. The pay varies but is often generous, given the high risks involved.  

Legacy and Renown

  Beyond material gains, a Barbarian's true reward often lies in the legacy they leave behind. Their deeds become tales told around campfires, their names etched into the annals of history. In Rolara, where the metaphysical and corporeal are inextricably linked, such a legacy can be considered the ultimate form of wealth.

Other Benefits

Material wealth, while a significant motivator for many Barbarians, is often eclipsed by the intangible benefits that come with a life of valor and daring. These warriors, through their deeds and exploits, earn far more than mere coin; they gain social standing, fame, and even political power.  

The Echo of Valor

  A Barbarian's reputation often precedes them, echoing through the halls of power and the humblest of villages alike. Their social standing is not merely a byproduct of their combat prowess but a reflection of their character and the respect they command. Among the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe, for instance, a Barbarian's social standing is closely tied to their role as protectors and providers.  

Legends in the Making

  Tales of Barbarian exploits become the stuff of legend, told and retold around campfires and in grand mead halls. This fame serves as both a reward and a form of currency, opening doors that might otherwise remain closed. The most renowned Barbarians even find their names immortalized in song and story, a legacy that endures long after they have passed.  

From Warrior to Ruler

  History bears witness to Barbarians who have parlayed their wealth and influence into political power. Leaders and rulers of ancient days, many were Barbarians who used their hard-earned fortunes to lead great cities and even empires. Their martial skills, often honed in the crucible of battle, translate into a unique form of leadership that values honor, courage, and direct action.   Through their deeds, Barbarians in Rolara earn a wealth of intangible rewards that enrich their lives in ways that Gold and gems cannot measure. Whether it's the respect of their peers, the adoration of the masses, or the mantle of leadership, these warriors find that their true wealth lies in the impact they leave on the world and its people.



Protectors and Guardians

  One of the most prevalent roles that Barbarians fulfill is that of protectors and guardians. In societies where the threat of external aggression or unchecked monsters is high, Barbarians serve as the first line of defense. Their combat prowess and survival skills make them invaluable assets in maintaining the safety and integrity of their communities.  

Cultural Stewards

  In some societies, such as the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe, Barbarians act as stewards of cultural traditions and practices. Their roles are not merely martial but also spiritual, serving as keepers of oral histories, rites, and rituals. This stewardship ensures the preservation of cultural heritage and provides a sense of continuity and identity.  

Economic Contributors

  Barbarians often engage in activities that have economic implications for their communities. Whether it's through mercenary work, hunting, or gathering rare resources, their skills contribute to the economic well-being of their societies. Their ability to amass and hoard valuable items also plays into the economic dynamics, often leading to trade and commerce.  

Political Actors

  The influence of Barbarians is not confined to the battlefield or the wilderness; it extends into the political arena as well. Historically, many Barbarians have transitioned into roles of leadership, leveraging their social capital and martial skills to govern or even rule. Their unique perspectives often bring a focus on communal well-being, direct action, and honor-based diplomacy.  

Social Catalysts

  The fame and social standing that Barbarians often achieve can serve as a catalyst for social change. Their actions and decisions can inspire others, setting precedents that challenge existing norms or introduce new cultural practices.

Social Status

The perception of Barbarians within Rolara's diverse societies is a subject fraught with contradictions and complexities. While some view these warriors as heroic figures, others regard them as relics of a bygone era, or even as members of a lower "caste" within the social hierarchy.  

The Heroic Ideal vs. The Primitive Stereotype

  On one hand, Barbarians are often romanticized as the epitome of raw courage and primal strength, especially in societies that face existential threats from monsters or rival factions. In such contexts, the Barbarian's role as a protector elevates their social standing, making the profession a sought-after occupation. However, this romanticized view can sometimes perpetuate a stereotype of Barbarians as "noble savages," reducing them to one-dimensional figures devoid of complexity.  

The Double-Edged Sword of Fame

  The fame and social standing that many Barbarians achieve can be a double-edged sword. While their exploits may earn them adoration and even political power, they can also become targets of envy, suspicion, or political maneuvering. The very traits that make them heroes in the eyes of many can also make them threats in the eyes of those who hold power.  

Caste Dynamics and Social Mobility

  In societies with rigid social structures, the Barbarian profession may be viewed as a lower "caste" occupation, particularly when compared to roles that require formal education or are associated with spiritual or political authority. However, it's worth noting that the fluid nature of Rolara's societies often allows for exceptions. Barbarians who amass wealth or achieve significant deeds can sometimes transcend these social limitations, but this is not a guarantee.  

The Cultural Relativism Factor

  The perception of Barbarians can also vary significantly based on cultural norms and values. For example, in the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe, Barbarians are revered as cultural stewards, whereas in more cosmopolitan settings, they might be viewed as uncouth or unsophisticated.
Player Class
Alternative Names
Conqueror, Rajput, Warlord
Famous in the Field


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