The Vale of Leaves

  The Vale of Leaves is a small area in eastern Semang, nestled into the Kharun Peaks . It is roughly circular, approximately 30 miles in diameter. It is virtually surrounded by rugged hills and mountains, other than the narrow valley mouth leading out to the plains which form the bulk of the Semang countryside. The people here are more settled than elsewhere in the country, organised into small hamlets spread throughout the forest.   Resources include timber, fruit orchards and silver mines. Despite its proximity to the evil land of Marlek, the area has been generally peaceful for a long time, its isolation shielding it from wider events. The Rodinian invasion has barely affected it, other than the installation of Fort Hadrian at the mouth of the valley. This all changed recently, however.  
Rulership in the Vale
The Vale is ruled by a council of the six elders from the town and villages. Each settlement is run by one Elder. When voting on a Vale-wide decision, the vote of the Jukai elder decides any tie.  
  • Jukai – Elder Ash
  • Kupang – Elder Hewlett
  • Sibu – Elder Emmot
  • Marudi – Elder Bayard
  • Endau – Elder Aldo
  • Jawa – Elder Barnas
Recent Development
In summer 678 AR, The Lich King performed a terrible ritual which rippled through the Vale. Nearly every single person in the Vale was killed by this necrotic ritual. A few, perhaps less than two score, brave and hardy souls survived.   This catastrophe was followed by a small invasion force of Orcs and Undead, led by orc necromancers Zarfu and Jerrek, all under the command of Undead Lord Kar'ha.   Those invaders and many of the orcs and undead they commanded were killed by the brave efforts of a local band of adventurers, led by a Rodinian officer who happened to be stationed in Jukai. Those adventurers were last seen heading into the evil The Tower of Shivers, where they defeated Kar'ha. But then the Tower began to take off, it's final destination: unknown.


  • Vale of Leaves

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