Session 1 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 1

General Summary

Fortuna was knighted by the king in Littlebrook and was presented with a suit of full plate armour and her magical war horse. She was now titled Lady Fortuna. During the ceremony the king stopped to tell his assembled Knights that he had a vision from Pelor that the kingdom was in danger and that he was to search for The Map of Titus. The party returned to Mount Macarack with Sir Caelon and his companions. Flek headed off to Eldaran to pursue the study of the arcane arts. At the library the group researched The Map of Titus and found a poem by an ancient elven sage which referred to such a Map. After reading it for some time they began to suspect that the magical map they had found in the depths of the Sunless Citadel could in fact be the very map they were looking for. They also began to suspect that the very group they were making up was the perfect group to decode the mystical runes on the map itself. They decided to head to Eldaran to try to read the first rune.   Before they had a chance to leave the monastery the place was surrounded by hundreds of orcs. All 5 tribes of the local area were united under one banner - that of The Demon Prince! They were led by a black robed human who called himself Goroth the Chosen One. He had a large giant as some sort of a body guard. He demanded the Knights surrender the Abbey but obviously Sir Alfred refused. So the orcs attacked. Their numbers were such it was going to be impossible to stop them and sure enough before long the orcs were scaling the walls and getting onto the battlements. A running battle ensued during which the defenders were forced slowly back to the courtyard in the centre of the Abbey. Tor encountered his father and watched as his father killed Sir Mades, Tor's sparring partner. Tor then engaged his father in a battle to the death, finally killing him and taking his magical greatsword. Things were looking desperate when the battle reached the courtyard. Then the portcullis started to open up and Kai rushed off to find out who was there. It was Father Willen, the librarian. He had an unholy symbol of The Demon Prince in his hands and tried to cause Kai to flee in panic but Kai's resolve was strong. Kai stopped the priest from running and brought his treachery to an end. Then the orcs were in the courtyard. Things were looking desperate when the Tree of Health suddenly animated and started laying into the orcs. Before long there was a great banging on the castle doors. Kai went and opened them and in strolled two more trees, although slightly smaller than the Tree of Health. The entrance of the trees into the battle swung the outcome and the orcs were routed!   Sir Alfred asked the party if they would mind travelling to Thistledelve with news that the orcs were uniting. They said they would do that and headed off. There they spoke to Prince Jarrad with the news. The prince was thankful for the information and concerned about the situation. The party headed on towards Eldaran.   Entering the woods they were once again stopped by the elves, blindfolded and taken to the elven home. Here they met Flek and Shilana. The two seemed to be getting on very well. It just so happened to be the night of the new moon that night and Traubon took out the map and looked at it. Sure enough there were letters only he could read. As he read them out loud they burned into the map itself.   Shilana asked if they would do her a favour. She was bound not to leave Eldaran by the Queen, but she believed it was time for a prophesy to be fulfilled. She told them that her unicorn's father had given up his horn to help a brave warrior of the north, but that warrior had been killed and the spear that was made from the unicorns horn was lost. She asked the party if they would travel into the north east and try and recover the spear for her. They agreed.
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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