In the northern reaches of the world, across the sea, past the burning mountains of the Sylvari homeland, is a vast and desolate land inhabited by peoples shaped by hardship and bloodshed, much like our own. Whereas we prospered in the lush forests and tracts of farmland of our home after we broke our shackles, the children of the desert suffered from a vicious and merciless environment once they wrenched themselves free of the yoke of slavery. The history of the Pāll-tanír is littered with bloodshed. In the millennia that the Dominion has held sway over its lands, the dunes have run red with blood more times than may have been desirable. However, the number of lives lost to armed conflict in the Pāll-tanír pales in comparison to the number of lives lost throughout history to the ravaging sands and the cataclysmic storms that sweep across the land. And yet, despite hardship, the people of the Pāll-tanír have not only learned how to survive. They have learned to thrive. Though the wounds of their colorful histories remain stark in their cultures to this day, the children of the desert remain resolute in the face of adversity. The realms of the world could learn, perhaps, one thing or another about cooperation from the people of the Pāll-tanír, as they know the importance of community and hard work more than any other peoples.The Pāll-tanír is a large continent in the northern region of Sekhar. In terms of total land area, the Pāll-tanír is the second largest continent, but with regard to habitable area, it is quite easily the smallest barring the frozen landmasses at the northern and southern poles.
The Pāll-tanír is a relatively flat landmass largely devoid of prominent geographic features, dominated by rolling plains and vast tracts of flatlands. The most prominent geographic features in the Pāll-tanír are the Skywall Range, a mountain range that divides the continent into a northern and southern region, and the southern region into western and eastern halves, and the Eye of the Desert, a large crater in the center of the northern region of the Pāll-tanír.
The majority of the continent's surface area is comprised of desert pavement and large slabs of exposed bedrock. Despite depictions in popular literature, roughly only 40% of the Pāll-tanír's surface area is dominated by sand sheets and rolling dunes, of which 80% is located in the northern region.
Freshwater is extremely scarce on the surface of the desert due to the lack of precipitation. A network of underground rivers courses beneath the surface of the Pāll-tanír, known as the Veins of the Desert. These rivers contribute to what little freshwater is on the surface, forming rare oases where the pressure of the river is enough to force water to the surface.
The Pāll-tanír has only two seasons: the calm season, and the stormy season. During the summer months in the northern hemisphere, the Pāll-tanír is ravaged on a regular basis by Arventir, desert storms charged with arcane energy. The frequency of these storms gradually lessens as winter approaches, but never stop altogether, before gradually increasing as summer approaches again. Precipitation in the Pāll-tanír is so rare that in some places, it hasn't rained in four millennia of Dominion occupation, with precipitation of less than 1mm per square meter being reported near the coast only on two or three occasions in the same period of time.Fauna & Flora
Despite being largely barren, the Pāll-tanír boasts one of the most diverse ecosystems in Sekhar, though much of this biodiversity occurs in the southeastern region of the continent in the tropical rainforest known as the Shar. Pāll-taníri literature points to five predator and four prey species of particular cultural importance to the people of the Pāll-tanír.